
Funded Retirement Research Papers

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  • Multiemployer Plans: Their Current Circumstances in Historical Context
    IMPAQ International 2017 | Abstract | Full Report
  • How Might Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage Affect Retirement Incomes and Federal Programs?
    Karen E. Smith, Stephen Rose, and Damir Cosic 2016 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Drawing Down Retirement Wealth: Interactions between Social Security Wealth and Private Retirement Savings
    Philip Armour and Angela A. Hung, 2016 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Innovations and Trends in Annuities: Qualifying Longevity Annuity Contracts (QLACs)
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2016 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Hispanics Retirement Security: Past Trends and Future Prospects
    Richard W. Johnson, Stipica Mudrazija, and Claire Xiaozhi Wang, 2016 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Household Retirement Saving: The Location of Savings Between Spouses
    Katherine G. Carman and Angela A. Hung, 2016 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Opting out of Retirement Plan Default Settings
    Jeremy Burke, Angela A. Hung, and Jill E. Luoto, 2016 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Financial Risks due to Long-Term Care
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2016 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Financial Asset Holdings of Households in the United States in 2013
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2016 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Rates of Return of Broker-Sold and Direct-Sold Mutual Funds
    Karthik Padmanabhan, Constantijn Panis, and Timothy J. Tardiff, 2016 | Abstract | Report
  • Review of Selected Studies and Comments in Response to the Department of Labor's Conflict of Interest 2015 Proposed Rule and Exemptions
    Karthik Padmanabhan, Constantijn Panis, and Timothy J. Tardiff, 2016 | Abstract | Report
  • Brokerage Accounts in the United States
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Savers With and Without a Pension
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Target Populations of State-Level Automatic IRA Initiatives
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Asset Allocation of Defined Benefit Pension Plans
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Implications of Expanded Annuitization for Old-Age Well-Being
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Pension Plan Structures Before and After the Pension Protection Act of 2006
    Barbara A. Butrica, Keenan Dworak-Fisher, and Pamela Perun, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Trends in Pension Cash-Out at Job Separation and the Effects on Long-Term Outcomes
    Philip Armour, Michael D. Hurd, and Susann Rohwedder, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Defaulting In and Cashing Out? The Impact of Retirement Plan Design on the Savings Accumulation of Separating Employees
    Angela A. Hung, Jill Luoto, and Jeremy Burke, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Automatic Enrollment in Retirement Savings Vehicles: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
    Jeremy Burke, Angela A. Hung, Jill Luoto, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Do Financial Advisers Influence Savings Behavior?
    Jeremy Burke and Angela A. Hung, 2015 | Report
  • Effective Disclosures in Financial Decision Making
    Angela A. Hung, Min Gong, and Jeremy Burke, 2015 | Report
  • Financial Advice Markets: a Cross-Country Comparison
    Jeremy Burke and Angela A. Hung, 2015 | Report
  • Comments on a Review of a White House Report on Conflicted Investment Advice
    Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2015 | Report
  • Potential Economic Effects on Individual Retirement Account Markets and Investors of DOL's Proposed Rule Concerning the Definition of a 'Fiduciary'
    Steven Garber, Jeremy Burke, Angela Hung, and Eric Talley, 2015 | Full Report
  • Trust and Financial Advice
    Jeremy Burke and Angela A. Hung, 2015 | Full Report
  • Impacts of Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry
    Jeremy Burke, Angela A. Hung, Jack W. Clift, Steven Garber, and Joanne K. Yoong, 2014 | Full Report
  • Review of Study by Quantria Strategies, LLC
    Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2014 | Memorandum
  • Plan Sponsor Data Technical Working Group Meeting: Meeting Notes
    Summit Consulting, 2014 | Abstract | Full Report
  • The Impact of Informal Caregiving on Older Adults' Labor Supply and Economic Resources
    Barbara Butrica and Nadia Karamcheva, 2014 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Classifying Portfolio Volatility
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2013 | Full Report
  • Implications of Projecting Recent Trends in DB Pension Plan Freezes into the Future
    Martin Holmer, 2013 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Matching Form 5500 Employee Benefit Plan Filings by Employer
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2013 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Defined Contribution Plan Employer Match Suspensions During the Financial Crisis
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2013 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Revenue and Benefit Effects of Reducing DC Pension Salary-Reduction Caps
    Martin Holmer, 2013 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Designing Better Pension Benefits Statements - Current Status, Best Practices and Insights from the Field of Judgment and Decisionmaking
    Lauren A. Fleishman-Mayer, Angela Hung, Joanne Yoong, Jack Clift and Caroline Tassot, 2013 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Retirement Income Effects of Changing the Income Tax Treatment of DC Pension Plans
    Martin Holmer, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Annuities in the Context of Defined Contribution Plans
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2011 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Target Date Funds and Retirement Savings
    Michael J. Brien, Philip J. Cross, Thomas A. Dunn, Constantijn W.A. Panis, and Joice A. Pharris, 2010 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Volatility Metrics for Mutual Funds
    Michael J. Brien, Constantijn W.A. Panis, and Karthik Padmanabhan, 2010 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Target Date Funds: Historical Volatility/Return Profiles
    Michael J. Brien, Philip J. Cross, and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2009 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Generally Accepted Investment Theories
    Constantijn Panis and Joshua B. Schaeffer, 2007 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Participation in Defined Contribution Plans
    William E. Even and David Macpherson, 2005 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Defined Contribution Pension Plans and Retirement Wealth Adequacy
    Gary V. Engelhardt, 2005 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Valuing Assets in Retirement Savings Accounts
    James M. Poterba, 2004 | Abstract | Full Report
  • The Causes and Consequences of Pension Fund Holding of Employer Stock
    William Even and David Macpherson, 2004 | Abstract | Full Report
  • How Much and In What Manner Should Americans Save?
    Jagadeesh Gokhale and Laurence J. Kotlikoff, 2004 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Study of 401(k) Plan Fees and Expenses
    Economic Systems, Inc., 1998 | Full Report
Funded Health and Welfare Research Papers

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  • 2018 Self-Insured Report to Congress, Appendix B
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2018 | Full Report
  • Analysis of Actuarial Values and Plan Funding Using Plans from the National Compensation Survey
    Actuarial Research Corporation 2017 | Abstract | Full Report
  • 2017 Self-Insured Report to Congress, Appendix B
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2017 | Full Report
  • Financial Risks due to Long-Term Care
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2016 | Abstract | Full Report
  • 2016 Self-Insured Report to Congress, Appendix B
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2016 | Full Report
  • 2015 Self-Insured Report to Congress, Appendix B
    Constantijn W.A. Panis and Michael J. Brien, 2015 | Full Report
  • Evaluation of the ARRA COBRA Subsidy
    Jillian Berk and Anu Rangarajan, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report | Data and Documentation
  • Workplace Wellness Programs: Services Offered, Participation and Incentives
    Soeren Mattke, Kandice Kapinos, John P. Caloyeras, Erin Audrey Taylor, Benjamin Batorsky, Hangsheng Liu, Kristin R. Van Busum and Sydne Newberry, 2015 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Analysis of Form M-1 Data for Filing Years 2010-2013
    Summit Consulting, 2014 | Abstract | Full Report
  • The Impact of Informal Caregiving on Older Adults' Labor Supply and Economic Resources
    Barbara Butrica and Nadia Karamcheva, 2014 | Abstract | Full Report
  • 2014 Self-Insured Report to Congress, Appendix B
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2014 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Trends and Practices in Healthcare Subrogation
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2013 | Full Report
  • Evaluation of Tools and Metrics to Support Employer Selection of Health Plans
    Soeren Mattke, Kristin R. Van Busum, and Grant Martsolf, 2013 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Matching Form 5500 Employee Benefit Plan Filings by Employer
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2013 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Workplace Wellness Programs Study: Final Report
    Soeren Mattke, Hangsheng Liu, John P. Caloyeras, Christina Y. Huang, Kristin R. Van Busum, Dmitry Khodyakov, and Victoria Shier, 2013 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Workplace Wellness Programs Study: Case Studies Summary Report
    Soeren Mattke, Dmitry Khodyakov, Kristin Van Busum, Victoria Shier, and Christopher Schnyer, 2013 | Abstract | Final Report
  • 2013 Self-Insured Report to Congress, Appendix B
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2013 | Abstract | Full Report
  • A Review of the U.S. Workplace Wellness Market
    Soeren Mattke, Christopher Schnyer, and Kristin R. Van Busum, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • 2012 Self-Insured Report to Congress, Appendix B
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • An Analysis of 2007-2009 Filings of Form M-1, Report for Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWAs) and Certain Entities Claiming Exception (ECEs)
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Anomalies in Form 5500 Filings: Lessons from Supplemental Data for Group Health Plan Funding
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Strengths and Limitations of Form 5500 Filings for Determining the Funding Mechanism of Employer Provided Group Health Plans
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Identifying Self-Insured Health Plans Using Regulatory Data Sources
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Identifying Self-Insured Health Plans Using Research Data Sources
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Self-Insured Health Benefit Plans Second Report
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Self-Insured Health Benefit Plans Supplemental Report 2012
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2012 | Abstract | Full Report
  • 2011 Self-Insured Report to Congress, Appendix B
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2011 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Large Group Health Plans Study
    Michael J. Brien and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2011 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Employer Self-Insurance Decisions and the Implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as Modified by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (ACA)
    Christine Eibner, Federico Girosi, Amalia R. Miller, Amado Cordova, Elizabeth A. McGlynn, Nicholas M. Pace, Carter C. Price, Raffaele Vardavas, and Carole Roan Gresenz, 2011 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Physician Cost Profiling - Reliability and Risk of Misclassification
    John L. Adams, 2010 | Full Report
  • Associations Between Physician Characteristics and Quality of Care
    Rachel O. Reid, et al., 2010 | Full Report
  • Other Post-Employment Benefits: Overview
    Michael J. Brien, Philip J. Cross, Thomas A. Dunn, and Constantijn W.A. Panis, 2009 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Hospital Ownership Changes and Employers' Decision to Offer Insurance
    Eric E. Seiber, 2006 | Abstract | Full Report
  • The Dynamics of Health Insurance Coverage: Factors Correlated with Insurance Gain and Loss among Adults
    Robert W. Fairlie and Rebecca A. London, 2005 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Sinking with the Ship: How Does Involuntary Job Displacement Affect Health Insurance?
    Kosali Ilayperuma Simon, 2005 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Post-displacement Health Insurance Coverage of Displaced Workers
    Kosali Ilayperuma Simon, 2005 | Abstract | Full Report
  • External Reviews of Coverage Denials by Managed Care Organizations in California
    Carol Roan Gresenz and David M. Studdert, 2005 | Full Report
  • Inside the Black Box of Managed Care Decisions
    Institute for Civil Justice and Rand Health, 2004 | Full Report
  • Household Demand for Health Insurance Price and Spouse's Coverage
    Marjorie Honig, 2004 | Abstract | Full Report
  • Enrollee Appeals of Preservice Coverage Denials at 2 Health Maintenance Organizations
    David M. Studdert and Carol Roan Gresenz, 2003 | Full Report
  • Patients in Conflict with Managed Care: A Profile of Appeals in Two HMOs
    Carol Roan Gresenz, et al., 2002 | Full Report
  • A Study of Coverage Decision-Making by Managed Care Organizations
    Deborah R. Hensler, et al., 1999 | Full Report
  • Expanded Managed Care Liability: What Impact on Employer Coverage
    David M. Studdert, et al., 1999 | Full Report
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  • Employee Benefit Research Institute - Established in 1978, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed exclusively to data dissemination, policy research, and education on economic security and employee benefits.
  • Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) - A set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers, and employers across the United States.
  • National Center for Health Statistics - A rich source of information about America's health and is the Nation's principal health statistics agency. The NCHS compiles statistical information to guide and improve health services and research and health policies and programs.
  • National Compensation Survey (Employee Benefits) - Comprehensive data on incidence and provisions of selected employee benefit plans.
  • Occupational Employment Statistics - Data on employment and wages for over 800 occupations and for about 400 nonfarm industries for the nation, plus occupational data for States and metropolitan areas.
  • Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation - Created by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and protects the retirement incomes of 44.1 million American workers in private-sector defined benefit pension plans.
  • Pension Research Council - Sponsors interdisciplinary research on the entire range of private pension and social security programs, as well as related benefit plans in the United States and around the world.
  • Retirement Research Consortium - Comprises three multidisciplinary research centers funded through cooperative agreements with the Social Security Administration. The centers are located at Boston College, the University of Michigan, and the National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Social Security Online - The official Website of the Social Security Administration. It provides information about Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance benefits; Supplemental Security Income; and wage reporting for employers.