Salary Commission

Reviews and establishes the salary cap of all elected officials and officers of the County and adopts policies governing the salary setting decisions.

The Salary Commission consists of 7 at-large members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council to staggered 3 yr. terms.

For more information about the duties and responsibilities of the Salary Commission, please refer to Section 29.01, Kauai County Charter.

Meeting Time/Location:  Meet as needed

Contact Information

Salary Commission
c/o Office of Boards & Commissions
4444 Rice Street, Suite 150
Lihue, HI  96766

Phone: (808) 241-4920
Fax: (808) 241-5127


  • Robert Crowell, 2018 Chair
  • Daniel Aki
  • Kenneth Rainforth
  • Trinette Kaui


posted Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Salary Commission


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