Cushing Syndrome

Cushing syndrome (pronounced KOOSH-ing SIN-drohm) is a condition that occurs when a person’s body tissues are exposed over time to too much of the hormone cortisol (pronounced KAWR-tuh-sawl). The syndrome can be caused by taking certain medicines or, less commonly, it can be caused by noncancerous or cancerous tumors. Cushing syndrome includes a range of symptoms, but they can be treated and, in most cases, the syndrome can be cured. NICHD is one of the many federal agencies that support and conduct research on the causes of Cushing syndrome, detection of its symptoms as soon as possible, and development of improved treatments.

Common Name
  • Cushing syndrome

Scientific Name

  • Hyperadrenocorticism (pronounced HAHY-per-uh-dree-noh-KAWR-ti-siz-uhm)
  • Hypercortisolism (pronounced HAHY-per-KAWR-ti-sol-iz-uhm)
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