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Insurance/Employer Component

Summary Data Tables
The MEPS Insurance Component fields questionnaires to private and public sector employers to collect data on the number and types of private health insurance plans offered, benefits associated with these plans, annual premiums, annual contributions by employers and employees, eligibility requirements, and employer characteristics.

Survey basics: Select from the following for detailed information on the objectives, instruments, and procedures for data collection in the Insurance Component:

MEPS Insurance Component estimates are available online in an extensive series of tables. You can also use the interactive query tools, MEPSnet, to access national- and state-level statistics and trends about health insurance. Insurance Component data files are not available for public release.

Online data can be found through

  • Publications: Analyses of MEPS data ranging from brief to extensive reports, chartbooks consisting mainly of graphs, and descriptions of MEPS sample designs and survey methods.
  • Summary data tables: Tables with frequently used data on employer-based health insurance—national level and state and metro area levels
  • MEPSnet query tools: Interactive query tools that generate statistics and trends across years about health insurance offered by private establishments, as well as national and regional health insurance estimates for state and local governments.
  • MEPS Insurance Component Chartbook 2017 (PDF, 15 MB) or HTML format: This chartbook provides both single-year and multiyear trend analyses using private-sector MEPS-IC data from 2004 to 2017. To best convey key information from the MEPS-IC, the report is presented in five sections: Health Insurance Offer Rates; Employee Eligibility and Enrollment; Health Insurance Premiums; Employee and Employer Premium Contributions; and Employee Cost Sharing. Each section provides charts and discussion with links to MEPS-IC data tables that contain the estimates and standard errors for each exhibit.
  • MEPS Insurance Component 2017 Presentation Slides or HTML format: Powerpoint slides with charts from the 2017 MEPS-Insurance Component Chartbook are available for use in presentations.

Due to confidentiality rules, data files for the Insurance Component are not available for public release. There are no projected estimates made for the Insurance Component.

Census Bureau Research Data Centers

Researchers with approved projects can access confidential Insurance Component data files (research version) at the Census Bureau Research Data Centers. Detailed information on using these research facilities is available on the Research Data Center Program Web site. If you would like to use MEPS Insurance Component data at the Census Bureau Research Data Center, please contact AHRQ so that we can assist you with your request.


   Page last revised:  October 16, 2018