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Medical Provider Component
The MEPS Medical Provider Component (MPC) collects data from a sample of providers (physicians, hospitals, home health agencies, and pharmacies) who provided medical care to MEPS Household Component respondents. The MPC collects data on dates of visits/services, use of medical care services, charges and sources of payments and amounts, and diagnoses and procedure codes for medical visits/encounters.

Survey basics: Select from the following for detailed information on the objectives, instruments, and procedures for data collection in the Medical Provider Component:

MEPS Medical Provider Component data are available at the AHRQ Data Center only.

MPC data is not designed to yield national estimates and is not intended to be an independent sample of providers for estimation purposes. MPC data are used solely for editing and imputation purposes of the Household Component data. MPC data are not released as standalone files.

Online data can be found through

  • MEPS topics: Resources on this site for particular topics of interest.
  • Publications: Analyses of MEPS data ranging from brief to extensive reports, chartbooks consisting mainly of graphs, and descriptions of MEPS sample designs and survey methods.
   Page last revised:  August 23, 2017