

Use this site to locate, view, and comment on regulations and other actions for all Federal agencies, including Federal Register notices published by USDA, APHIS.

Government Printing Office.

Access to information submitted by Congress and Federal agencies. Some of the FDsys collections include the Federal Register (1994 to present), Congressional Record (1994-present), and Congressional bills and hearings.

Library of Congress.

Legislative information from the current Congress and archived information from the 101st Congress forward. Also provides access to the Congressional Record and the U.S. Code.

DOJ. ENRD. Animal Welfare Litigation Program.

Together with the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, ENRD lawyers are working to ensure that full effect is given to the federal statutes and enforcement regimes that provide for the humane treatment of captive, farmed, and companion animals across the United States.

National Institutes of Health, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare 

Whenever U.S. Government agencies develop requirements for testing, research, or training procedures involving the use of vertebrate animals, the following principles shall be considered; and whenever these agencies actually perform or sponsor such procedures, the responsible Institutional Official shall ensure that these principles are adhered to.