Discussion Lists

River that often overflows is boundaries.
Discussion List blurb

Compiled by Joseph R. Makuch
Version 9.5
February 28, 2005
(revised July 1, 2010; slightly revised August 8, 2012, March 25, 2013, January 29, 2015)

Internet "lists" or "mailing groups" are topical electronic forums where list subscribers may post announcements, participate in discussions and pose and answer questions. These forums cover a vast array of topics. This is a listing of electronic discussion lists that are primarily concerned with topics related to water resources. For the sake of brevity and focus, the listing does not include the many other environmentally oriented lists that may periodically address water resource issues.

Brief instructions for subscribing to lists are given at the end of this document. For an overview of mailing lists and related tools, see Discussion Groups on the LISWiki.

If you know of any additions, deletions, or corrections that should be made to this listing, please send the information to waic@ars.usda.gov.

Disclaimer: Information posted on these lists does not reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Joining A List


People who belong to a discussion list receive all the e-mail that is sent to the list and can in turn send e-mail to the list. To subscribe to a list, send this message (with no other text and no brackets) to the subscription address:


For example,


[Note: for "majordomo" lists, don't include your name.]

To leave a list, send this message (with no other text and no brackets) to the subscription address:


58 Entries


  1. AQUA-L: Aquaculture List; discussions on the science, technologies and business of aquaculture. Subscription address: MAJORDOMO@LISTSERV.IFMT.NF.CAMessage postings to: AQUA-L@LISTSERV.IFMT.NF.CA 
  2. CCSEA-L: Canadian Coastnet List; Affiliated with the Canadian Coastal Science and Engineering Association (CCSEA), this list provides a forum to address issues relevant to Canada's coastal zones (Atlantic, Pacific, Great Lakes and Arctic)--bringing together scientists, engineers and managers from a broad range of disciplines, all with a common interest in the coastal zone.Subscription address: MAJORDOMO@CCIW.CAMessage postings to: CCSEA-L@CCIW.CA 
  3. CHESAPEAKE BAY PROGRAM BAY NEWS: "provides subscribers with a daily compilation of news articles discussing the restoration, health and culture of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed." Subscribe or access the archives at http://www.chesapeakebay.net/headlines.Subscription address: Use URL above.Message postings to: POSTINGS FROM Chesapeake Bay Program Bay News ONLY 
  4. COMMONS-EVERGLADES: The Everglades Information Exchange Discussion List; for people and organizations participating in, or simply interested in, the restoration of the Everglades and its companion watersheds to exchange ideas, raise concerns, offer assistance and otherwise communicate about Everglades restoration.Subscription address: LISTSERV@LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORGMessage postings to: COMMONS-EVERGLADES@LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORG 
  5. CORAL-LIST: The Coral-List discussion forum; for coral health research as it pertains to global coral reef health and monitoring; primarily for coral health researchers and scientists.Subscription address: http://coral.aoml.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/coral-list/Message postings to: coral-list@coral.aoml.noaa.gov 
  6. Decision Support Systems in Hydrology: "The decision support system (DSS) includes information systems that perform data acquisition, management and visualization; and models that perform simulation and optimization of the system.This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding development and use of decision support systems in surface water planning; integrated operation of reservoirs; conjunctive surface water and groundwater planning; drought monitoring, assessment and management; water quality; and other aspects of hydrology and water resources development and management." To subscribe or view archives, go to https://in.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dsshydrology/info.Subscription address: dsshydrology-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.in (or go to the URL above)Message postings to: dsshydrology@yahoogroups.co.in 
  7. ENVIRO-NEWS: Environmental News; a place to post announcements (job vacancies, funding opportunities; new Web resources; conferences) related to the environment; not a discussion list; not for asking or answering questions; no commercial postings, please. Subscribe or access the archives at http://wqic.nal.usda.gov/enviro-news.Subscription address: LISTSERV@NAL.USDA.GOV (or go to URL above)Message postings to: ENVIRO-NEWS@NAL.USDA.GOV 
  8. EPA-HUDSON: "...current information about EPA's efforts to remediate the PCB contamination in the Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site. If you have something that is not somehow related to the Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site -- it would be better to post it to a more general discussion list." List access is available at http://epa.gov/hudson/listserv.htm.Subscription address: See URL above.Postings to: epa-hudson@lists.epa.gov 
  9. FEFLOW Users Group: "FEFLOW (Finite Element subsurface FLOW system) is a sophisticated software package for the modeling of flow and transport processes in porous media under saturated and unsaturated conditions. Integral components are interactive graphics, a GIS interface, data regionalization and visualization tools and powerful numeric techniques. These components ensure an efficient working process building the finite element mesh, assigning model properties and boundary conditions, running the simulation, and visualizing the results.This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of FEFLOW software." Subscribe and view archives at https://in.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/feflow/infoSubscription address: feflow-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.in (or go to the URL above)Message postings to: feflow@yahoogroups.co.in 
  10. FISH FORUM: A Web-based forum for questions and answers about fish; searchable archives; access from http://www.fishbase.us/FBForum/index.php.Subscription address: NO SUBSCRIPTION; WEB-BASEDView postings through: http://www.fishbase.us/FBForum/index.php 
  11. FISH-SCI: Scientific forum on fish and fisheries. Subscribe or see the archives at http://segate.sunet.se/archives/fish-sci.htmlSubscription address: LISTSERV@SEARN.SUNET.SE (or go to the URL above)Message postings to: FISH-SCI@SEARN.SUNET.SE 
  12. FISHFOLK: Fisheries Social Science Network.Subscription address: LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDUMessage postings to: FISHFOLK@MITVMA.MIT.EDU 
  13. GLIN-ANNOUNCE: Great Lakes Information Network Announcements; postings of various announcements with relevance to Great Lakes issues. Subscriptions approved by list owner. Subscribe or view archives at https://glc-lists.merit.edu/sympa/info/glin-announce. See other Great Lakes lists at http://www.great-lakes.net/lists/.Subscription address: https://glc-lists.merit.edu/sympa/subscribe/glin-announceMessage Postings to: GLIN-ANNOUNCE@GREAT-LAKES.NET 
  14. GLIN-EDUCATION: Great Lakes Education Forum; discussion of educational issues and materials related to the Great Lakes. For more information, see https://glc-lists.merit.edu/sympa/info/glin-education. See other Great Lakes lists at http://www.great-lakes.net/lists/public.html.Subscription address: https://glc-lists.merit.edu/sympa/subscribe/glin-educationMessage Postings to: GLIN-EDUCATION@GREAT-LAKES.NET 
  15. GMS Users Group: GMS (Groundwater Modeling System) "is an advanced, powerful, and comprehensive groundwater modeling package. GMS provides complete support for the USGS MODFLOW 3D finite difference, MODPATH 3D particle tracking, MT3DMS 3D multi-species contaminant transport, RT3D 3D bioremediation transport, SEAM3D 3D bioremediation transport, SEEP2D 2D finite element, and FEMWATER 3D finite element groundwater models. Tools are provided for site characterization, model conceptualization, mesh and grid generation, geostatistics, telescopic model refinement, automated model calibration, and output post-processing. The program allows common information to be shared among different data types and groundwater models. GMS is completely graphical, and can display a defined groundwater model in either plan view or 3D oblique view, and can be rotated interactively. Tools are provided for site characterization, model conceptualization, mesh and grid generation, geostatistics, and output post-processing.This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of GMS software." Subscribe and view archives at https://in.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/gms-users/info.Subscription address: gms-users-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.in (or use URL above)Message Postings to: gms-users@yahoogroups.co.in 
  16. GROUND WATER MODELLING: "This mailing list aims to provide a forum for the communication of all aspects of ground water modeling including technical discussions; announcement of new public domain and commercial software; calls for abstracts and papers; conference and workshop announcements; and summaries of research results, recent publications, and case studies." Information at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/gwmodel/info.Subscription address: GWMODEL-SUBSCRIBE@YAHOOGROUPS.COM (or go to https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/gwmodel/info)Message postings to: GWMODEL@YAHOOGROUPS.COM 
  17. Groundwater Vistas Users Group: Groundwater Vistas (GV) "is a sophisticated Windows graphical user interface for 3-D groundwater flow & transport modeling. GV couples a powerful model design system with comprehensive graphical analysis tools. GV is a model-independent graphical design system for MODFLOW MODPATH (both steady-state and transient versions), MT3DMS, MODFLOWT, MODFLOW-SURFACT, MODFLOW2000, GFLOW, RT3D, PATH3D, SEAWAT and PEST, the model-independent calibration software. The combination of PEST and GV's automatic sensitivity analysis make GV a powerful calibration tool.
    This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of Groundwater Vistas software." Subscribe and view archives at https://in.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/groundwater-vistas/info.    

    Subscription address: groundwater-vistas-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.in (or use URL above)

    Postings to: groundwater-vistas@yahoogroups.co.in


  18. GWCAN-L: Canadian Hydrogeology Mailing List; Canadian hydrogeology is a Canada-wide forum for the discussion of all aspects of groundwater in Canada. The objectives of the list are to promote communication between persons engaged in the theoretical and practical aspects of groundwater studies, to provide a convenient method of contacting persons with diverse groundwater-related interests and expertise, and to promote groundwater education in Canada. Subscribers include researchers, consultants, regulators, teachers, and students; participation from outside of Canada is also be encouraged.Subscription address: MAJORDOMO@CCIW.CAPostings to: GWCAN-L@CCIW.CA 
  19. HUDSON-NRDA: Hudson River Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) List. "A listserv to provide updates on the assessment and restoration efforts for the Hudson River. If you choose to join the Hudson-NRDA listserv, you will receive e-mail updates about the Hudson NRDA every three to five months. The Hudson-NRDA listserv, which will be managed by the trustees [trustees for the Hudson River NRDA are the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and the U.S. Department of the Interior], is separate from the EPA-Hudson listserv [see above], which is managed by EPA and provides notices on the dredging project design and cleanup."Subscription address: REQUESTS@WILLAMETTE.NOS.NOAA.GOV(Put in the subject line: Subscribe hudsonnrda) (You will receive a confirmation e-mail to which you must reply within twenty-four hours.)Message postings to: POSTINGS FROM HUDSON-NRDA ONLY. 
  20. HYDROLOGY: A mailing list for those interested in hydrology--the science of water in the environment. It is relevant to those outside of traditional engineering hydrology, and emphasizes multidisciplinary, fundamental, scientific research in hydrology. The list is intended to have an Australian focus, but those in countries with similar hydrological conditions are also encouraged to subscribe.Subscription address: MAJORDOMO@VIFP.MONASH.EDU.AUMessage Postings to: HYDROLOGY@VIFP.MONASH.EDU.AU 
  21. HYDFORUM (Hydrology Forum): Established in January 2002 (with similar objectives to the list below), this list provides "a forum for discussion of scientific research in all aspects of Hydrology including hydrologic design, surface water analysis and modeling, flood studies, drought studies, watershed development, groundwater assessment and modeling, conjunctive use, drainage, mountain hydrology, environmental hydrology, lake hydrology, nuclear hydrology, urban hydrology, forest hydrology, hydrological investigations, remote sensing and GIS applications etc. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of hydrological software are also welcome." For more information and to subscribe see https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/hydforum/info.Subscription address: HYDFORUM-SUBSCRIBE@YAHOOGROUPS.COM (or use URL above)Message postings to: HYDFORUM@YAHOOGROUPS.COM 
  22. HYDROLOGY FORUM: Provides "a forum for discussion of scientific research in all aspects of Hydrology including hydrologic design, surface water analysis and modeling, flood studies, drought studies, watershed development, groundwater assessment and modeling, conjunctive use, drainage, mountain hydrology, environmental hydrology, lake hydrology, nuclear hydrology, urban hydrology, forest hydrology, hydrological investigations, remote sensing and GIS applications etc. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of hydrological software are also welcome." For more information and to
    subscribe see http://lists.topica.com/lists/hydrology-forum.    


    Message postings to: HYDROLOGY-FORUM@TOPICA.COM


  23. HYDROLOGYMODEL (Hydrology Modeling): "This group aims to provide a forum for discussion of scientific research in modeling of hydrologic systems including
    • Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
    • Overland Flow Modeling
    • Unsaturated Flow Modeling
    • Groundwater Flow Modeling
    • Solute Transport Modeling
    • Sea Water Intrusion Modeling
    • Water Quality Modeling
    • Other relevant aspects of Hydrology and Water Resources Development and Management."

    The group is "a forum for technical discussions; announcement of new public domain and commercial
    software; calls for abstracts and papers; conference and workshop announcements; and summaries of research
    results, recent publications, and case studies. Exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use
    and application of hydrological software are also welcome." For more information and to subscribe
    see https://in.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/hydrologymodel/info.

    Subscription address: HYDROLOGYMODEL-SUBSCRIBE@YAHOOGROUPS.CO.IN (or use URL above)



  24. IAMSLIC: A discussion group of the International Association of Marine & Aquatic Science Libraries and Information Centers that facilitates communication and sharing in the aquatic science information community.Subscription address: LISTSERV@UCSD.EDUMessage postings to: IAMSLIC@UCSD.EDU 
  25. IRRIGATION-L: List for irrigation theory and practice; discussions related to any type of irrigation system; format is typically question-and-answer but postings covering research projects and results, new technologies and products and other topics related to irrigation are welcome; list covers not only technical aspects of irrigation such as design, hydraulics, system layouts but also topics involving irrigation management and sociocultural, political and economic aspects of irrigation. For more information and to subscribe see http://www.irrigation-l.org/Subscription address: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.DFN.DE (or through the URL above)Message postings to: IRRIGATION-L@LISTSERV.DFN.DE 
  26. LAKE MICHIGAN FORUM LISTSERV: Information about Lake Michigan basin related projects, programs, proposals and ideas.Subscription address: CRANEHOUSESP@MSN.COMMessage postings to: LKMICH@LKMICHIGANFORUM.ORG 
  27. LAKES-L: Discussion of lake management and ecology; for professionals and others who are concerned with the health of lakes and their watersheds. Subscription address: MAJORDOMO@BADGER.STATE.WI.US Message Postings to: LAKES-L@BADGER.STATE.WI.US
  28. LCSEWERAGE: Low-Cost Sewerage Network; Discussions on low-cost sewerage----NOT low-cost sewage treatment, BUT low-cost sewage collection (i.e. settled sewerage and simplified sewerage). To subscribe, send the following e-mail message to the subscription address
    (substituting your own name):    

    join lcsewerage your-firstname your-lastname


    (the "stop" must be on the second line)

    Subscription address: MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK

    Message postings to: LCSEWERAGE@MAILBASE.AC.UK


  29. MARBIO: Marine Biology List; discussions on all aspects of marine biology.Subscription address: MAJORDOMO@MARINELAB.SARASOTA.FL.USMessage Postings to: MARBIO@MARINELAB.SARASOTA.FL.US 
  30. MAR-FACIL: Marine Facilities List; discussion of technical and business topics related to marine research facilities, aquaculture operations, public aquaria and other facilities supplying seawater for the support of marine life.Subscription address: MAILSERV@AC.DAL.CAMessage Postings to: MAR-FACIL@AC.DAL.CA 
  31. MARMAM: Marine Mammals Research and Conservation Discussion.Subscription address: LISTSERV@UVVM.UVIC.CAMessage Postings to: MARMAM@UVVM.UVIC.CA 
  32. MEH2O-L: Middle East Water List; discussion group for information and research relating to water in the Middle East.Subscription address: LISTSERV@VM.TAU.AC.ILMessage Postings to: MEH2O-L@VM.TAU.AC.IL
  33. MICH-RAP: A forum for sharing news and information of interest to individuals involved or interested in the Areas of Concern and Lakewide Management programs and related activities in the state of Michigan. For more information, see https://glc-lists.merit.edu/sympa/info/mich-rap. See other Great Lakes lists at http://www.great-lakes.net/lists/public.html.Subscription address: https://glc-lists.merit.edu/sympa/subscribe/mich-rapMessage Postings to: MICH-RAP@GREAT-LAKES.NET 
  34. NEWS-NOTES: This is an alert service for the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's newsletter Nonpoint Source News-Notes. Subscribers to the list receive notification when a new issue of Nonpoint Source News-Notes is posted on the Web. A table of contents and a short description of the articles are also sent. Information on how to join the list is available at http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/nps/outreach/notifi.cfm. See the News-Notes newsletter at http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/nps/outreach/NewsNotes_index.cfm.Subscription address: LISTMANAGER@LISTS.EPA.GOVMessage Postings to: POSTINGS FROM Nonpoint Source News-Notes ONLY. 
  35. NDWCNEWS: "This notification service gives subscribers the opportunity to learn of National Drinking Water Clearinghouse (NDWC) activities and announcements before the news is published in our magazine, On Tap." For more information, see http://www.nesc.wvu.edu/listserv.cfm Subscription address: macjordomo@mail.nesc.wvu.eduMessage Postings to: POSTINGS FROM NDWC ONLY. 
  36. NILE BASIN MAILING LIST: Information about "events of the Nile Basin Initiative, project activities, procurement requirements and other news." See http://www.nilebasin.org/newsite/.Subscription address: INFO@NILEBASIN.ORGMessage Postings to: POSTINGS BY NILE BASIN INITIATIVE ONLY 
  37. NPSINFO: Nonpoint-Source Pollution Information; forum for open discussion of nonpoint-source pollution issues; topics include agricultural NPS, urban runoff, technology, educational and funding alternatives, coastal NPS, forest management, BMPs, hydrological modification and aquatic habitat modification; postings of news articles, short abstracts, announcements, and conference notices as well as questions, answers, and opinions. List access is available at http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/nps/outreach/npsinfo_index.cfm Subscription address: See URL above.Message Postings to: NPSINFO@LISTS.EPA.GOV 
  38. NSFC Discussion Group: National Small Flows Clearinghouse Discussion Group. Provided by NSFC "as a means of discussing small community wastewater issues." Web based; subscribe and access at http://www.nesc.wvu.edu/sitemap.cfmSubscription address: See URL above.Message Postings to: See URL above.
  39. PRAIRIE-RIVERS: The purpose of the list is to foster communication among people (environmentalists, scientists, farmers, sportsmen, canoeists, water suppliers, and a host of others) with an interest in the condition of Illinois' rivers and streams.Subscription address: LISTPROC@PRAIRIENET.ORGPostings to: PRAIRIE-RIVERS@PRAIRIENET.ORG 
  40. RIVERS-LIST: "Rivers-list, is a moderated community site for rivers, established by the IAHR Fluvial Hydraulics community in 2000, as a means of circulating information among river specialists about jobs, discussions on specific research problems, announcements of courses, etc. The list has around 2000 subscribers.Rivers-list is open at no charge to specialists interested in all aspects of the science and engineering of rivers." More information available at http://riverslist.iahr.org/.Subscription address: membership@iahr.org (with the text "Subscribe Rivers-list" in the subject)Message Postings to: http://riverslist.iahr.org/Rivers_List/Forums.aspx 
  41. RZWQM-L: Root Zone Water Quality Model Discussion List.Subscription address: RZWQM-L-REQUEST@GPSRV1.GPSR.COLOSTATE.EDUMessage Postings to: RZWQM-L-@GPSRV1.GPSR.COLOSTATE.EDU 
  42. SALINITY-L: Discussions related to salt management in relation to irrigation and drainage; topics include irrigation management to prevent or minimize salinity problems, drainage management, load-flow relations, soil hydraulic properties as influenced by salts, crop tolerances to salt and more. More information and access at http://www.lsoft.com/scripts/wl.exe?SL1=SALINITY-L&H=LISTSERV.UNL.EDUSubscription address: LISTSERV@UNL.EDUMessage Postings to: SALINITY-L@UNL.EDU 
  43. SEAWAT Users Group: "The SEAWAT program was developed to simulate three-dimensional, variable- density, transient ground-water flow in porous media. The source code for SEAWAT was developed by combining MODFLOW and MT3DMS into a single program that solves the coupled flow and solute-transport equations. The SEAWAT code follows a modular structure, and thus, new capabilities can be added with only minor modifications to the main program. SEAWAT reads and writes standard MODFLOW and MT3DMS data sets, although some extra input may be required for some SEAWAT simulations. This means that many of the existing pre- and post-processors can be used to create input data sets and analyze simulation results. Users familiar with MODFLOW and MT3DMS should have little difficulty applying SEAWAT to problems of variable-density ground-water flow. SEAWAT-2000 is the latest release of the SEAWAT computer program for simulation of three-dimensional, variable-density, transient ground-water flow in porous media. SEAWAT-2000 was designed by combining a modified version of MODFLOW-2000 and MT3DMS into a single computer program.This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of SEAWAT software." Subscribe and view archives at https://in.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/seawat/info.Subscription address: seawat-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.in (or use URL above)Message Postings to: seawat@yahoogroups.co.in 
  44. SEWER-LIST: Sewerage and Waste Treatment Discussion List; for people involved in design, installation, permitting, operation and maintenance of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, combined systems, lift stations and publicly-owned treatment works; focus is on practical matters rather than academic, theoretical or policy concerns.Subscription address: LISTPROC@MCFEELEY.CC.UTEXAS.EDUMessage Postings to: SEWER-LIST@MCFEELEY.CC.UTEXAS.EDU 
  45. TRICKLE-L: Trickle Irrigation Discussion List; Unmoderated discussion of all aspects of trickle or drip irrigation.Subscription address: LISTSERV@UNL.EDUMessage Postings to: TRICKLE-L@UNL.EDU
  46. USGS GROUNDWATER MODELING SOFTWARE (RSS feed): The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) develops modeling software to simulate groundwater flow and transport and to address scientific and management questions. Updates of these products are provided through an RSS announcement feed at http://water.usgs.gov/ogw/techniques.html#sw .Feed address: http://water.usgs.gov/ogw/rss/usgs-gw-software.xmlFor more information: 
  47. Visual MODFLOW Users Group: Visual MODFLOW "is a proven standard for professional 3D groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling using MODFLOW-2000, MODPATH, MT3DMS AND RT3D. Visual MODFLOW seamlessly combines the standard Visual MODFLOW package with Win PEST and the Visual MODFLOW 3D-Explorer to give a complete and powerful graphical modeling environment.This group aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding use and application of Visual MODFLOW software." Subscribe or view archives at https://in.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/visual-modflow/info.Subscription address: visual-modflow-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.in (or use URL above)Message Postings to: visual-modflow@yahoogroups.co.in 
  48. VOLMONITOR: The national listserv for volunteer monitors. It was established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to encourage communication and information exchange among the nation's growing number of volunteer environmental monitoring programs. List access is available at http://water.epa.gov/type/rsl/monitoring/listinstruct.cfm.Subscription address: See URL above.Message Postings to: VOLMONITOR@LISTS.EPA.GOV 
  49. WASTEWATER-MODELLING: The Wastewater Modelling Mailing List is a forum for individuals interested in wastewater modeling to share ideas and help each other solve wastewater modeling problems; covers topics related to wastewater modeling, simulation, and control; The list is hosted by Hydromantis, Inc.Subscription address: MAJORDOMO@HYDROMANTIS.COMMessage postings to: WASTEWATER-MODELLING@HYDROMANTIS.COM 
  50. WATER: Water Science Network; Focused
    on the physics, chemistry and biology of water and
    aqueous systems.    

    Subscription address: LISTSERV@RIPKEN.OIT.UNC.EDU

    Message Postings to: WATER@RIPKEN.OIT.UNC.EDU


  51. WATER-AND-SAN-APPLIED-RESEARCH: Water and Sanitation Applied Research Discussion List. A list for discussion and information exchange relating to applied research in the water supply and sanitation sector. Intended for those with technical engineering, institutional and health backgrounds with a research interest in the UK and developing nations; discussion focuses on priorities, funding and a range of multi-sectoral topics. (Use "join" (no quotes) instead of "subscribe" when subscribing to the list.)Subscription address: MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UKMessage Postings to: WATER-AND-SAN-APPLIED-RESEARCH@MAILBASE.AC.UK 
  52. WATER-DISTRIB-SYSTEMS: Water Distribution Systems Discussion List; discussion and information exchange relating to research on water distribution systems (WDS). The list is intended for those with an interest in the specific and unique features of WDS and the complexities of the modeling for analysis, design and optimized operation purposes (including water quality, quantity, reliability, etc.). (Use "join" (no quotes) instead of "subscribe" when subscribing to the list.)Subscription address: MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UKMessage Postings to: WATER-DISTRIB-SYSTEMS@MAILBASE.AC.UK 
  53. WATER HEADLINES: Water Headlines is a weekly on-line publication that announces publications, policies, and activities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water. Archives at http://water.epa.gov/aboutow/ownews/waterheadlines/archive.cfm.Subscription information: 
    To subscribe to the Water Headlines listserv, send an email message, leaving the subject line blank, to: waterheadlines-join@lists.epa.gov. To unsubscribe,send an email message, leave the subject line blank, and address it to: leave-waterheadlines@lists.epa.gov   


  54. WATER-PR: Press releases on water topics from the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS); not a discussion list; not for asking or answering questions. For additional information, see https://www.usgs.gov/news/news-releases/Subscription address: LISTPROC@LISTSERVER.USGS.GOVMessage Postings to: POSTINGS BY USGS ONLY
  55. WATERSHED NEWS: A monthly on-line publication that announces watershed-related publications, policies, and activities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds." Archives at http://water.epa.gov/type/watersheds/winnews_index.cfm .Subscription information: 
    To subscribe to Watershed News, send a blank email to: watershed-news-subscribe@lists.epa.gov    


  56. WATERWEB: Forum for water resource webmasters and water information providers to develop and implement the concepts of "Water on the Web" for the common benefit of water resources communities everywhere. For additional information, see http://www.waterweb.org/forum.php.Subscription address: WaterWeb-subscribe@yahoogroups.comMessage Postings to: WaterWeb@yahoogroups.com 
  57. WQ-L: Water Quality Discussion List. For communication and discussion among water resource managers, particularly those associated with the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Archives at http://pete.uri.edu/archives/wq-l.html.Subscription address: LISTSERV@PETE.URI.EDUMessage Postings to: WQ-L@PETE.URI.EDU 
  58. WQS-NEWS: "...a computerized list server operated by the Standards and Health Protection Division (SHPD) in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water in Washington, DC. As a subscriber, you will receive electronic copies of various Division publications and announcements. These include the Water Quality Criteria and Standards Newsletter, the Contaminated Sediment News, announcements for upcoming meetings (such as Multi-Regional Water Quality Standards Meetings and Water Quality Standards Academies) and other announcements..." List access is available at http://water.epa.gov/scitech/swguidance/standards/shpdnews.cfm.Subscription address: See URL above.Postings to: POSTINGS FROM WQS-NEWS ONLY.