Military Records

Exhibits of Military and Veterans Records

Online Exhibits

Online Photograph Collections

Select photos from the holdings of the Still Picture Branch of the National Archives and Records Administration

Physical Exhibits at National Archives Facilities

At the National Archives Museum in Washington, DC:

At the new Archival Research Room of the National Personnel Records Center in Saint Louis, MO:

  • A limited collection of select military records of notable Americans (Persons of Exceptional Prominence).

Traveling Exhibits of National Archives Holdings
To promote access to these records, the National Archives makes its holdings available to the public through its traveling exhibition program so citizens across the country can see these records first hand.

Presidential Libraries
Presidential Libraries can be found across the country, from Massachusetts to California. At Presidential Libraries you will find:

  • museums featuring interactive exhibits
  • interesting and fun public programs
  • important educational events
  • vast archives available for scholarly research

Other Exhibits and Museums of Interest to Veterans

Military Historical Organizations

Museums, Memorials and Cemeteries

