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Dates & Deadlines

Today marks the end of the annual confidential fin...more
Today marks the end of the annual public financial...more

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OGE's Latest Advisories

LA-18-13: Clarification of the Meaning of “Political Entity” for Financial Disclosure Purposes
This Legal Advisory clarifies the meaning of “political entity” for financial disclosure purposes. For purposes of the Ethics in Government Act and 5 CFR part 2634, a political entity is a non-profit organized under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code.

LA-18-12: Annual Public Financial Disclosure Filing Requirements for Employees who Change Agencies or Branches of Government
This Legal Advisory provides guidance regarding the annual report filing requirements that apply to public filers who change agencies or branches within the Federal government. The Legal Advisory clarifies which employees must file an annual public financial disclosure report, with what agency or branch the employee must file, what agency or branch certifies the report, and if the report should be sent to OGE for certification.

LA-18-11: Reminder of Agency Ethics Officials’ Responsibility to Counsel Employees Regarding Gifts to Pay for Legal Expenses
This Legal Advisory reminds agency ethics officials of their responsibility to help ensure that an employee’s acceptance of a gift to provide for legal expenses is done in accordance with the limitations of the gift rules. Agency ethics officials should take special care when counseling employees on whether the gift is from a prohibited source as defined in 5 C.F.R. § 2635.203(d), due to the heightened appearance concerns unique to an employee’s acceptance of this type of gift.

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