A uniformed National Park Service employee repairs a piece of heavy machinery by the side of the road.


The U.S. Department of the Interior plays a crucial role in promoting economic growth across America. The Department is responsible for the oversight and management of America’s public lands, national parks, mineral resources, grazing lands, and more. It is this careful stewardship of resources that drives job opportunities and economic growth.  

The Department creates jobs through our national parks and outdoor recreation. Visitors to our parks spend more than $16.9 billion in local gateway communities, supporting approximately 300,000 jobs, raising $11.1 billion in revenue, and contributing $32 billion into the national economy (according to the 2015 NPS Visitor Spending Effects Report).

In addition, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has facilitated the sale of timber on public lands -- resulting in millions of dollars in revenue to the American people. This job-creating tradition continues today with competitive-bid public sales offered by the BLM. 

The Department of the Interior is committed to protecting and promoting the vast natural resources of the United States, while helping to get Americans back to work. 
