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All School Meals Media

Last Published: 02/12/2015
Datesort ascending Title
12/20/2018 Meal Service Training Grant Orientation Webinar - CACFP
12/17/2018 Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods for the CACFP Using the Ingredient List
12/10/2018 Start Smart with Breakfast Video
10/17/2018 FY19 Farm to School RFA Webinar: Developing and Writing a Successful Grant Application
10/16/2018 FY19 Farm to School RFA Webinar: Submitting a Grant Application
09/21/2018 CACFP Halftime: How to Support Breastfeeding in the CACFP
09/20/2018 CACFP Halftime: Feeding Infants: Starting with Solids
08/30/2018 Team Nutrition Cooks! Corn and Zucchini Pancakes
08/30/2018 Team Nutrition Cooks! Grain Bowls
08/30/2018 Team Nutrition Cooks! Salad With Vinaigrette Dressing
08/30/2018 Team Nutrition Cooks! Applesauce
08/30/2018 Team Nutrition Cooks! Scrambled Eggs With Spinach
08/30/2018 Team Nutrition Cooks! Corn and Zucchini Pancakes Video
08/20/2018 Los seminarios web Medio tiempo del CACFP: Alimentación para bebés: comenzando con comidas sólidas
07/23/2018 CACFP Halftime: Adding Whole Grains to Your Menu
07/19/2018 Webinar 6-Feeding Infants: 0-5 English
06/21/2018 CACFP Halftime: Adding Whole Grains to Your Menu (in Spanish)
06/07/2018 CACFP Halftime: Methods for Healthy Cooking
06/06/2018 Professional Standards Training Tracker Tool 2.0: Enhancements for Training Tracking Success!
05/01/2018 FY 2018 CACFP Meal Service Training Grants for State Agencies
04/19/2018 CACFP Halftime: Offer Versus Serve in the CACFP
04/19/2018 Medio tiempo del CACFP: Ofrecer Versus Servir en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos
04/06/2018 CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursday - Menu Planning
04/06/2018 Los seminarios web Medio tiempo del CACFP: Planificacion de comidas para el CACFP
04/06/2018 Los seminarios web Medio tiempo del CACFP: Servir carne y sustitutos de carne en el desayuno
04/06/2018 Food Buying Guide Goes Digital!
04/05/2018 CACFP Halftime: Serving Meat and Meat Alternatives at Breakfast
03/28/2018 Verification Toolkit and Beginning Verification Before October 1 (aka “Rolling Verification”)
03/19/2018 Hiring Flexibility Under Professional Standards: State Agency Webinar
02/26/2018 CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays - Serving Milk in the CACFP
12/28/2017 Seminario web Medio tiempo del CACFP: treinta los jueves “Elija yogures con bajo contenido de azúcares añadidas"
12/21/2017 Food Crediting in Child Nutrition Programs - Request for Information
12/20/2017 CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays “Choose Yogurts That Are Lower in Added Sugars” webinar
12/14/2017 Updated Infant and Preschool Meal Patterns
12/13/2017 CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays “Choose Breakfast Cereals That Are Lower in Added Sugars”
12/11/2017 Seminario web Medio tiempo del CACFP: treinta los jueves "Elija cereales de desayuno bajos en azúcares añadidas"
11/20/2017 FNS Buy American Webinar - Nov. 20, 2017
11/16/2017 FY 2017 Farm to School Grantee Onboarding
11/16/2017 FY 2017 Farm to School Evaluation & Reporting Webinar
05/25/2017 Integrity Features of a Web-based School Meal Application
04/04/2017 FY 2017 Team Nutrition Training Grant RFA Informational Webinar I
04/04/2017 FY 2017 Team Nutrition Training Grant RFA Webinar II (Select Measurement Tools)
04/04/2017 Unpaid Meal Charges: Local Charge Policy Requirement
03/15/2017 CEP: Partial District Implementation
02/21/2017 Contracting with FSMC: Developing Solicitations and Contracts
02/09/2017 Farm to Summer: How Regional Offices and State Agencies Support Farm to Summer
12/15/2016 Getting to Know USDA's Web-Based Prototype Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals
12/13/2016 Leveraging FNS Programs in a Lead Exposure Crisis
10/07/2016 Celebrate National Farm to School Month
08/11/2016 Overview of the 2015 Farm to School Census
08/04/2016 Local Agency Procurement Review Tool for School Year 2016-2017
05/26/2016 Planning Toolkit - Tying it All Together and Digging In
05/25/2016 Community Food Systems in Native Communities - Engaging Students
05/18/2016 Community Food Systems in Native Communities - Partnering for Success in Tribal Communities
05/12/2016 Planning Toolkit - Evaluating Your Program
04/28/2016 Planning Toolkit - Program Sustainability
04/26/2016 FY 2016 Administrative Reviews and Training (ART) Grants Webinar
04/20/2016 Community Food Systems in Native Communities - Incorporating Traditional Foods in Child Nutrition Program Menus
04/07/2016 Planning Toolkit - Curriculum Integration
04/06/2016 Community Food Systems in Native Communities - What Does Farm to School Look Like?
03/31/2016 Planning Toolkit - School Gardening
03/24/2016 Local Foods and Enriching Activities in Summer Meal Programs
03/17/2016 Planning Toolkit - Promoting Your Farm to School Program
03/09/2016 The Community Eligibility Provision and Alternative Breakfast Models
03/04/2016 Fuel Up to Play 60 Equipment Grants
03/03/2016 Planning Toolkit - Food Safety
02/24/2016 Community Eligibility Provision: Making “Cents” of CEP at a 40-50% ISP
02/18/2016 Planning Toolkit - Farm to School Menu Planning
02/10/2016 Community Eligibility Provision: Messaging and Outreach in Your Community
02/04/2016 Planning Toolkit - Finding and Buying Local Foods
02/03/2016 Community Eligibility Provision: Annual Notification and Publication Requirements
01/28/2016 Planning Toolkit - Setting Goals and Establishing an Evaluation Baseline
01/27/2016 Community Eligibility Basics: Improving Direct Certification Systems
01/14/2016 Planning Toolkit - Intro to Farm to School: Planning and Building a Team
11/20/2015 Eat School Lunch UX Challenge
10/29/2015 Farm to School at USDA: Looking Back and Looking Forward
10/29/2015 Procurement by Micropurchase
09/16/2015 Nutrition Education in the Classroom and Beyond
05/27/2015 Community Eligibility Provision: Administrative Review
05/21/2015 Track Your Training with the New Professional Standard Training Tool
05/20/2015 Community Eligibility Provision: Allocating State and Local Education Funding
05/05/2015 Farm to Summer: Bringing Summer Meals to Farmers Markets
04/29/2015 Community Eligibility Provision: Title I and E-rate
04/15/2015 Community Eligibility Provision: Outreach to Eligible School Districts
03/25/2015 USDA Farm to School Grant Program
03/08/2015 Community Eligibility Provision: Financial Considerations
03/04/2015 Community Eligibility Provision: Notification and Publication Requirements for State Agencies
02/24/2015 Farm to Summer: Local Foods and Educational Activities in Summer Meal Programs
02/24/2015 Community Eligibility Provision: Direct Certification and Reporting
02/18/2015 Community Eligibility Basics: How CEP Can Transform Your Schools
01/20/2015 What's in Store for Farm to School in 2015?
10/28/2014 Healthy Habits Take Root – Getting Kids Excited about Healthful, Local Foods
10/28/2014 Healthy Habits Take Root - Engaging the Community in Farm to School Efforts
10/14/2014 Healthy Habits Take Root – Going Local
10/07/2014 Healthy Lunch - Crunchy Hawaiian Chicken Wrap
10/07/2014 Healthy Habits Take Root – Getting Started with Farm to School
09/30/2014 Healthy Habits Take Root – Farm to School Impacts
06/27/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods -- Tying It All Together and Digging In
06/26/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods -- Tying It All Together and Digging In
06/13/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Using USDA Foods as Resource to Purchase Local
06/13/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Using Geographic Preference
06/12/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Using DoD Fresh to Purchase Local
05/22/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Using USDA Foods as Resource to Purchase Local
05/15/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods: Introduction to Geographic Preference
05/08/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Using Geographic Preference
04/28/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Food -- Using a Forward Contract
04/24/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Introduction to Geographic Preference
04/10/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Using Forward Contracts
03/27/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Food - Working with Distributors
03/13/2014 Partnering with Cooperative Extension: Innovative Ways Extension Professionals Are Involved With The USDA Farm to School Grant Program
03/13/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Using Specifications to Target Local Products
02/27/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Using the Informal Procurement Method
02/18/2014 The National Dairy Council and Food and Nutrition Service: Expanding School Breakfast
02/13/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Finding Local Producers
01/23/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods - Conducting a Local Procurement Baseline Assessment
01/09/2014 Finding, Buying and Serving Local Food - Introduction to Procurement
12/04/2013 Partnering with Cooperative Extension to Support Farm to School: Webinar 3
11/19/2013 Partnering with Cooperative Extension to Support Farm to School: Webinar 2
09/27/2013 Farm to School Education and Curriculum Integration
09/27/2013 Administrative Review: Special Provision Options
09/25/2013 Partnering with Cooperative Extension to Support Farm to School
09/18/2013 Energize Your Day with School Breakfast Webinar .
09/18/2013 Energizing Your Day with School Breakfast: An Introduction to School Breakfast Promotion Efforts with PCFSN and USDA
09/18/2013 NIFA and farm to school
09/03/2013 School Breakfast Webinar Part 2: Updated Toolkit Resources
09/03/2013 Energizing Your Day with School Breakfast: An Introduction to Updated USDA Toolkit Resources
08/29/2013 School Breakfast Webinar Part 1: Offer Versus Serve Overview and Strategies for Success
08/29/2013 Felix Kids PSA
08/29/2013 Dominique Dawes: School Breakfast is for Everyone
08/09/2013 Resource Management I: Nonprofit School Foodservice Account, Allowable Costs, & Indirect Costs
07/30/2013 Administrative Review Training: General Administrative Review Questions and Answers
07/12/2013 Administrative Review Training: General Program Requirements and Special Milk Program
06/05/2013 Farm to School - Menu Planning for Your Farm to School Program
06/05/2013 The Farm to School Grant Program - Implementation Grant Webinar
06/05/2013 Farm to School Grant Reviewer Training - Farm to School 101
06/05/2013 Connecting the USDA Summer Food Service Program and Public Housing Authorities
06/05/2013 The Farm to School Grant Program - Planning Grant Webinar
12/11/2012 Trends in Successful USDA Farm to School Grant Applications
11/29/2012 Farm to School - New Meal Pattern