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Our E-alerts include:

Healthy Aging Highlights
Health information related to aging and older adults from the National Institute on Aging at NIH

Alzheimer’s News & Announcements
The latest Alzheimer’s news, research, and resources from the lead U.S. government agency for Alzheimer’s research

Inside NIA: A Blog for Researchers
Grants and funding policy, scientific resources, and career development in one weekly email

NIA for Caregivers
Weekly emails for caregivers, with practical tips to help you--and the person you're caring for--get the most out of the caregiving experience

Go4Life® Fitness Tips
Get twice-a-month exercise and physical activity tips from the National Institute on Aging at NIH.

Coach Max/Coach Tina Fitness Tips (weekly or monthly)
Coach Tina will cheer you on and Coach Max will offer you no-nonsense motivation to help you be more active. Get weekly tips by text or weekly or monthly tips by email. 

Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials
Monthly alert of new Alzheimer’s, dementia, and cognitive health research studies seeking volunteers

NIA Funding Opportunity Announcements
This monthly email is designed to alert researchers to recently published Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) from NIA. 

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National Institute on Aging—Watch a variety of videos on topics like Alzheimer's, exercise, research, and programs sponsored by the NIA.