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Go4Life exercise campaign logoPhysical activity is an important part of healthy aging. To help you fit exercise and physical activity into your daily life, NIA created the Go4Life campaign. Go4Life offers free, evidence-based resources for older adults in one convenient place.

Older woman making muscles with her arms

4 Types of Exercise

Try all 4 types of exercise - endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility!

Close up of older person tying a running shoe

Endurance Exercises

Endurance, or aerobic, activities increase your breathing and heart rate.

Weights, water bottles, and towel

Strength Exercises

Even very small changes in muscle strength can make a real difference in function.

Group of older adults doing tai chi in the park

Balance Exercises

Balance exercises can help prevent falls and avoid the disability that may result from falling.

Older woman stretching

Flexibility Exercises

Flexibility, or stretching, exercises give you more freedom of movement.

Group of older adults exercising with a trainer

Go4Life Videos

Follow along as a personal trainer helps older adults exercise.

Older man exercising with weights

Exercise and Physical Activity: Getting Fit for Life

Learn how exercise and physical activity can help you stay independent as you age.

Group of women walking outdoors

Get Motivated to Exercise

Time, money, and energy are common barriers to exercise. Overcome these barriers!

Older man putting on a bike helmet

Stay Safe While Exercising

Almost everyone can be active safely. Learn how!