Resources for Congress

The Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs (OLIA) supports the USCIS mission by maintaining effective relationships with Congress, federal, state, territorial, and local governments, and tribal officials. OLIA promptly responds to concerns from congressional and intergovernmental stakeholders and shares updates on USCIS policy changes with those stakeholders.

OLIA has created a dedicated site for congressional and intergovernmental stakeholders, This site provides resources to assist congressional and intergovernmental stakeholders with immigration casework and policy matters. The information we provide on this site is intended to support congressional and intergovernmental stakeholders in their search for information on our programs and to assist them in their casework. 

USCIS Outreach to Congressional Offices

USCIS understands the importance of a strong partnership with Congress, and our offices throughout the country host many sessions tailored for congressional staff only. For upcoming congressional events, please visit

Federal Congressional Partners

USCIS works closely with other federal congressional affairs offices from different agencies in our government. Please follow the links on the right side of the page to visit the websites of our partners.


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