
Sequence Read Archive (SRA)

Please login to create a new submission or to see your existing submissions.

  • The SRA accepts genetic data and the associated quality scores produced by next generation sequencing technologies. Please refer to the File Format Guide.

    • Files can be compressed using gzip or bzip2, and may be submitted in a tar archive but archiving and/or compressing your files is not required. Do not use zip!
    • All file names must be unique.
    • Each file must be listed in the SRA metadata table. If you are uploading a tar archive, list each file name, not the archive name.
    • Use the preload option if you are uploading files over 10 GB or more than files. All files for a submission must be uploaded into a single folder.

    Before submitting, read the SRA Submission Wizard Help.

    Contact with any question or concern about your data or submission.