Annual Conference Reports For OMB Memorandum M-12-12

In support of the Office of Management and Budget’s September 21, 2011 memorandum “Eliminating Excess Conference Spending and Promoting Efficiency in Government,” GSA has implemented strong guidelines to ensure all GSA conferences are mission critical and are carried out with efficiency and integrity.

GSA has worked to ensure that all agency events support our mission of delivering the best possible value and savings to the American people and our federal partners.

FY17 Conference Expense Report

A. Conferences Over $100,000

Conference Name Total Expenses LocationIndLocation DateIndividDate Total Number of Attendees Conference Description
GSA SmartPay Training Forum 2017 $726,285 Phoenix, AZ July, 30 - August 2, 2017 3,505 The GSA SmartPay Training Forum served as the preeminent training opportunity for Agency/Organization Program Coordinators, approving officials, billing officials, and other charge card program managers. The forum included 250 unique classes and over 350 sessions offered over the 3 day duration of the forum. The training forum provided attendees to receive the necessary training and networking to ensure their GSA SmartPay program continues to perform at its best. Visa and MasterCard offered training on their products and services that are available under the GSA SmartPay 2 Master Contract. Additionally, GSA representatives and experts from other agencies provided training on various topics including managing card programs, green and sustainability initiatives, and policy/regulatory guidance. The training forum provided the opportunity for attendees to receive hands on computer training on the banks' electronic access systems.
GSA SmartPay 3 Kick-Off Conference 2017 $194,212 Washington, DC September 21, 2017 1,906 The in-person kick-off conference served as the opening opportunity for Agency/Organization Program Coordinators (A/OPCs), approving officials, billing officials, and other charge card program managers to meet with the newly awarded GSA SmartPay 3 contractors to begin the market research and task order development phase of the GSA SmartPay 3 re-compete and transition process. The forum consisted of sessions provided by each of the awarded contractors on the newly awarded products/services offered. The conference lasted one day. Attendees depend on this conference to meet directly with all awarded contractors and begin the process of market research and task order development for their follow-on GSA SmartPay 3 task orders. The event allowed attendees to see new products/services that are going to be offered under SP3. They can learn about new functionalities and talk directly with the contractors about innovation under SP3.
Professional Services Human Capital Industry Day $165.909 Tacoma, WA June 6 - 8, 2017 600 The purpose of this event is to foster a positive relationship with suppliers and industry groups. Our goal is to proactively engage with industry to obtain their perspective to improve efficiency and value for the federal government and to establish ongoing communications. The intent is to move the government-supplier relationship from being adversarial to one that is fundamentally more collaborative in nature. The agenda included a full day of Category Management and Professional Services training, customer engagement and a one and one half day OASIS PMR. The decision was made to add HCaTS to the agenda in order to take advantage of the venue space and event management services. Industry groups and suppliers are integral to the success of category management to improve performance and reduce costs.
GSA Federal Acquisition Training Symposium 2017 $100,213 Huntsville, AL April 25 - 26, 2017 2,000 The event was held as a result of the 2016 FATS event a similar event was conducted with the same purpose objective; raise FAS offering awareness in FAS product/service utilization in targeted markets located on the east coast through blended delivery of acquisition training and industry forums. It was a multi-day event designed around specific training tracks aligned to Contract Management Book of Knowledge (CMBOK). Attendees engaged select FAS categories. Vendors were showcased through trade show exhibit space. The symposium was free to federal, military, state and local attendees.

B. Narrative of FY2017 Conferences

GSA takes active steps to hold conferences only when less expensive methods, such as teleconferences, will not effectively deal with the subject matter. Services/staff offices are required to minimize the costs of conducting such gatherings and limit attendance to those necessary to accomplish the purpose of the event. All GSA conferences are reviewed and approved at the appropriate level in accordance with OAS 5785.1A, Conference and Event Management. GSA approved 72 GSA-sponsored conferences at an estimated cost of $1,696,029 in Fiscal Year 2017. Conferences were conducted for various mission critical reasons to include providing customers information on GSA services and capabilities; training the GSA’s workforce and other Federal agency employees, conducting strategic planning; and meeting with leaders from private industry and all levels of government to discuss ways to collaborate and identify best practices.

FY16 Conference Expense Report

A. Conferences Over $100,000

Conference Name Total Expenses LocationIndLocation DateIndividDate Total Number of Attendees Conference Description
GSA SmartPay Training Forum 2016 $674,349.10 Washington, DC August 20 - 25, 2016 3,235 The GSA SmartPay Training Forum served as the preeminent training opportunity for Agency/Organization Program Coordinators, approving officials, billing officials, and other charge card program managers. The forum included 250 unique classes and over 350 sessions offered over the 3 day duration of the forum. The training forum provided attendees to receive the necessary training and networking to ensure their GSA SmartPay program continues to perform at its best. Visa and MasterCard offered training on their products and services that are available under the GSA SmartPay 2 Master Contract. Additionally, GSA representatives and experts from other agencies provided training on various topics including managing card programs, green and sustainability initiatives, and policy/regulatory guidance. The training forum provided the opportunity for attendees to receive hands on computer training on the banks' electronic access systems.

B. Narrative of FY2016 Conferences

GSA takes active steps to hold conferences only when less expensive methods, such as teleconferences, will not effectively deal with the subject matter. Services/staff offices are required to minimize the costs of conducting such gatherings and limit attendance to those necessary to accomplish the purpose of the event. All GSA conferences are reviewed and approved at the appropriate level in accordance with OAS 5785.1, Conference and Event Management. GSA approved 64 GSA-sponsored conferences at an estimated cost of $1,369,296 in Fiscal Year 2016. Conferences were conducted for various mission critical reasons to include providing customers information on GSA services and capabilities; training the GSA’s workforce and other Federal agency employees, conducting strategic planning; and meeting with leaders from private industry and all levels of government to discuss ways to collaborate and identify best practices.

FY15 Conference Expense Report

GSA had no conferences in excess of $100,000 for fiscal year 2015.

FY14 Conference Expense Report

GSA had no conferences in excess of $100,000 for fiscal year 2014.

FY13 Conference Expense Report

GSA had no conferences in excess of $100,000 for fiscal year 2013.

FY12 Conference Expense Report

Conference Name Total Expenses Location Date Number of Individuals Paid for by Agency Total Number of Attendees Conference Description
The GSA Training and EXPO $794,723.02 San Antonio, TX May 14 - 17, 2012 370 2,564 The GSA Training and EXPO is a training conference for federal, state, and local government employees and military members who manage procurement decisions. The conference offers more than 200 classes on acquisition products and services in one place at one time for maximum efficiency. More than 1,000 businesses, 60 percent of which are small businesses, demonstrate their products and services to thousands of purchasers from federal, state and local government and the military.
FedFleet $64,131.72 Louisville, KY June 25 - 28, 2012 100 915 FedFleet is the federal government's annual asset and transportation management training program for government employees and vendors who manage federal vehicle programs. The conference provides training on how to properly manage, procure, and maintain federal fleet, which includes automobiles, aircraft, boats, etc.
SmartPay $1,255,125.00 Nashville, TN July 31 - August 2, 2012 46 778 SmartPay is a federally mandated training conference for government employees who manage federal government charge card programs. Managers are required to attend the conference, which provides training on how to efficiently and effectively run charge card products and services. Forums range from creating innovative payment solutions to the latest advancements in fraud detection.
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