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  • Diversity enhances scientific discovery

Information about how NIH promotes a diverse scientific research workforce

Learn how diversity supports our mission, find opportunities to participate in diversity programs, meet researchers, and more. Whether you are a science student, trainee, faculty member, or someone who is interested in diversity programs, you can find what you are looking for here

Questions, comments, and suggested resources should be directed to, or use the Contact Us link below. 

NIH Commitment to Diversity

Learn about how each institute and center supports diversity.

Biomedical Faces of Science

The Jackson State University (JSU) SEPA Program’s Biomedical Faces of Science videos provide a unique introduction to scientists from the historically underrepresented backgrounds. Acknowledgement: Jackson State University NIH SEPA Program R25RR020405 and Faces of Science, Inc. Biomedical Faces of Science, 3,899,144, Jan. 4, 2011.

NIH Researchers

Meet NIH funded researchers from nationally underrepresented backgrounds.

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