25th Anniversary of the OIG

Anniversary Booklet Program Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the OIG

Message from the Inspector General

This month marks the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General. With hard work, persistence, and dedication across the years, the extraordinary individuals who have contributed to our work over the past quarter century have helped to shape the Department of Justice for the better. Together, we have improved the Department’s efficiency and accountability, prevented and deterred misconduct among Department employees, and helped to ensure that the American public continues to trust the Department to serve as the guardian of our system of justice. We have also held ourselves to the same high standards to which we hold the Department by consistently searching for ways to improve our own operations.

On my own behalf and that of my predecessor Inspectors General, I would like to express my deepest admiration and gratitude for everyone who has contributed to our work. In particular, I would like to thank those predecessor Inspectors General, as well as the Attorneys General, Department officials, and Members of Congress who have given our office strong support over the years. Above all, I would like to thank the past and current employees of the OIG who have worked so hard to make this office the extraordinary institution it is today, and to ensure that we are well positioned to continue our record of success for years to come.

Michael E. Horowitz
Inspector General
April 2014

Updated: April 2017