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Supervision and examinations

Conducting examinations is one of our key tools to ensure that supervised entities comply with federal consumer financial laws.

CFPB Supervision and Examination Manual

The Supervision and Examination Manual is our guide for examiners to use in overseeing companies that provide consumer financial products or services. The manual describes how we supervise and examine these companies and gives our examiners direction on how to assess compliance with federal consumer financial laws. Send questions about the manual to

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Supervision and Examination Manual  - Updated August 2018

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Table of contents
Updated Aug. 2018

No summary

Part I – Compliance supervision and examination

A. Supervision and examination process



Updated Mar. 2017

No summary

Examination process
Updated Aug. 2018

No summary

Part II – Examination procedures

A. Compliance management system



Compliance management review
Updated Aug. 2017

B. Product-based procedures



Automobile finance
Updated June 2015

Consumer reporting, larger participants
Published Oct. 2012

Credit card account management
Updated Feb. 2015

Debt collection
Updated Oct. 2012

Education loan
Updated June 2017

Mortgage origination
Updated Sept. 2015

Mortgage servicing
Updated June 2016

Remittance transfer
Updated Oct. 2013

Reverse mortgage servicing
Updated Oct. 2016

Short-term, small-dollar lending (payday)
Updated Sept. 2013


C. Statutory- and Regulation-based procedures



Consumer Leasing Act (CLA)
Published Oct. 2012

Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA)
Updated Oct. 2013

Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)
Updated Oct. 2015

ECOA baseline review
Updated Oct. 2015

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
Published Oct. 2012

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
Published Oct. 2012

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)
Published Oct. 2012

HMDA resubmission schedule and guidelines
Updated Oct. 2013

Homeowners Protection Act (HPA or PMI Cancellation Act)
Published Oct. 2012

Military Lending Act (MLA)
Updated Sept. 2016

Privacy of Consumer Financial Information -  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
Updated Oct. 2016

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)
Updated March 2018

Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing (SAFE) Act
Published Oct. 2012

Truth in Lending Act (TILA)
Updated March 2018

Truth in Savings Act (TISA)
Published Oct. 2012

Unfair, Deceptive or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAPs)
Published Oct. 2012

Part III – Examination process templates




Entity profile
Published Oct. 2012

No summary

Examination report
Updated Aug. 2017

No summary

Examination scope summary
Updated Aug. 2018

No summary

Risk assessment
Published Oct. 2012

No summary

Supervision plan
Published Oct. 2012

No summary

Supervisory letter
Updated Aug. 2017

No summary


Please note: This Supervision and Examination Manual provides internal guidance to our supervisory staff. It does not bind the CFPB and does not create any rights, benefits, or defenses, substantive or procedural, that are enforceable by any party in any manner. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, examination procedures should not be relied on as a legal reference.