Office of Research & Development

VA Technology Transfer Program

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15 U.S.C. § 3710 – Utilization of Federal Technology

(a) Policy

(1) It is the continuing responsibility of the Federal Government to ensure the full use of the results of the Nation's Federal investment in research and development. To this end the Federal Government shall strive where appropriate to transfer federally owned or originated technology to State and local governments and to the private sector.

(2) Technology transfer, consistent with mission responsibilities, is a responsibility of each laboratory science and engineering professional.

(3) Each laboratory director shall ensure that efforts to transfer technology are considered positively in laboratory job descriptions, employee promotion policies, and evaluation of the job performance of scientists and engineers in the laboratory.


The mission of the VA Technology Transfer Program (TTP) is to facilitate the commercialization of VA inventions to benefit Veterans and the American public.

View VA Patented Technologies.

USPTO Issued VA Patents

Patent Activity  (2000-18)

VA Invention Disclosures

Number of Overall VA Invention Disclosures (2009-18)

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
Technology Transfer Program (10P9TT)
810 Vermont Ave, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20420

Electronic Inquires:

Inquires related to the Invention Disclosures (ID) process or Inventor Certifications (IC):

Inquires related to CRADA issues (including process questions and eCRADA registry) or submission of annual reporting requirements:

Inquires related to either patent or royalty questions:

To locate a specific TTP team member, view contacts page.


NOTE: CRADAs and some policy documents are available on the VA intranet only. If you have access go to:

Specialty Team Advising Research (STAR) is a legal team dedicated to research issues. This resource is available on the intranet only. If you have intranet access, copy and paste this link to your browser:

What's New

Ergonomic Wheelchair - This wheelchair allows the hand rims to be placed in a more ergonomic position in front of the shoulders, while still maintaining stability by keeping the drive wheels in a more posterior position. It has several advantages (gearing options, hand rims are removable for transfers, wheelchair is narrow with both hand rims removed). This video provides a quick overview.

New Techology Transfer Staff
- Philip Gulck

VA Technology Transfer Program Briefing
VA Technology Transfer Program Briefing
(1.6 MB, PDF)

Managing IP at the VA Research Office; Tips and Hints - webinar slides

eLearning Course
VA Technology Transfer Program eLearning Course

- Inventor Brochure
- Research Affiliate Brochure
- Licensee Brochure

VA Technology Transfer Directive

U.S. patent

This document (revised May 5, 2017) provides guidance and instruction regarding intellectual property (inventions) and the transfer of new scientific discoveries to benefit the public good (technology transfer).

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