
January 2019 Open Commission Meeting

10:30 am – 12:30 pm EST
Room TW-C305, 445 12th Street S.W., Washington, DC

Chairman Pai announced that the following items are tentatively on the agenda for the January Open Commission Meeting. Should the current lapse in funding end before January 9, additional items might be added to the tentative agenda:

Public Drafts of Meeting Items – The FCC is publicly releasing the draft text of each item expected to be considered at this Open Commission Meeting.  One-page cover sheets are included in the public drafts to help summarize each item. Links to these materials are provided below.

  • Transitioning to CAF Phase II Auction Support in Price Cap Areas
    The Commission will consider a report and order establishing a schedule to end Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase I support in price cap areas where winning bidders in the CAF Phase II auction will begin receiving Phase II support and in areas that were not eligible for the auction, while providing interim support in areas that did not receive any bids. (WT Docket No. 10-90)
  • Licensing Noncommercial Educational Broadcast and Low Power FM Stations
    The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes revisions to the Commission’s NCE and LPFM comparative processing and licensing rules. (MB Docket No. 19-3)
  • Elimination of Form 397
    The Commission will consider a Report and Order eliminating the requirement in Section 73.2080(f)(2) of the Commission's rules that certain broadcast television and radio stations file the Broadcast Mid-Term Report (Form 397). (MB Docket Nos. 18-23, 17-105)
  • Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS)
    The Commission will consider a Report and Order, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and Order to adopt measures, and seek comment on others, to enhance program management, prevent waste, fraud, and abuse, and improve emergency call handling in the IP CTS program. (CG Docket Nos. 13-24, 03-123)
  • Anti-Spoofing Provisions of the RAY BAUM’S Act
    The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to amend its Truth in Caller ID rules to implement the anti-spoofing provisions of the RAY BAUM’S Act. (WC Docket Nos. 18-355, 11-39)

While the Open Meeting is open to the public, the FCC headquarters building is not open access, and all guests must check in with and be screened by FCC security at the main entrance on 12th Street. Open Meetings are streamed live at www.fcc.gov/live and can be followed on social media with #OpenMtgFCC.

Press Access – Members of the news media are welcome to attend the meeting and will be provided reserved seating on a first-come, first-served basis. Following the meeting, the Chairman may hold a news conference in which he will take questions from credentialed members of the press. Afterwards, senior policy and legal staff will be made available to the press for questions related to the items on the meeting agenda. Commissioners may also choose to hold press conferences. Press may also direct questions to the Office of Media Relations (OMR). Questions about credentialing should be directed to OMR.

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