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Department Initiatives

Early Childhood

All North Carolina children should get a healthy start in life and be able to develop to their full potential in safe and nurturing families, schools and communities. DHHS is leading work on a statewide Early Childhood Action Plan to improve outcomes related to young children’s health, safety and well-being, and developmental and academic readiness, for children ages 0-8.
Early Childhood


Opioid Crisis

North Carolina is experiencing an opioid epidemic and its harmful effects. DHHS and its partners aim to reduce opioid overdose deaths by 20 percent over four years by focusing on policies and practices that prevent opioid misuse, addiction and overdose.
Opioid Crisis


Healthy Opportunities

All North Carolinians should have the opportunity for health. Access to high-quality medical care is critical, but research shows up to 80 percent of a person’s health is determined by social and environmental factors. DHHS is focusing on improving the health and well-being of all North Carolinians by tackling these factors, with an initial focus on housing stability, food security, transportation access and interpersonal safety.
Healthy Opportunities


Infant Plan of Safe Care

Refers an infant who may have been exposed to substances during pregnancy to Care Coordination from Child Welfare, including services and linkages that the infant and family may benefit from.
Infant Plan of Safe Care


ADA Grievance Procedure

Federal law requires that all Medicaid providers in North Carolina must comply with the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act which includes providing reasonable accommodations. Such accommodations may include providing individuals who are deaf, deaf-blind or hard of hearing with auxiliary aids and services such as sign language interpreters to achieve effective communication.
ADA Grievance Procedure


Home and Community Based Services

North Carolina supports serving individuals with disabilities in the most integrated settings possible based on what is clinically appropriate as defined by the individual’s person-centered planning process.
Home and Community Based Services


Transitions to Community Living

The Transitions to Community Living Initiative provides eligible adults living with serious mental illnesses the opportunity to choose where they live, work and play in North Carolina. This initiative promotes recovery through providing long-term housing, community-based services, supported employment and community integration. Transitions to Community Living Initiative


NC Innovations Waiver

The Medicaid Innovations Waiver help Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities live a more independent lifestyle.
NC Innovations Waiver


Notice Informing Individuals About Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Requirements

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. DHHS does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
Notice Informing Individulas About Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Requirements

Children with Complex Needs

Children with Complex Needs are ages 5 and under 21, with a developmental and/or intellectual disability and a mental health disorder diagnosis who are Medicaid eligible and at risk of not being able to return to or maintain placement in a community setting. The Department is developing a process to identify these children and link them to diagnostic testing and appropriate services.
Children with Complex Needs