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Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

The Division of Services for The Deaf and Hard of Hearing serves customers who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind, or Deaf-Blind regardless of their mode of communication. This includes American Sign Language, Sign English, Cued and Oral. Our services can help you achieve equal access, effective communication and a better quality of life. All individuals who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deaf-Blind, their family members, agencies and organizations that serve them and individuals may ask for our services. There is no charge for services.

Advocacy and Consultation

Regional centers assist Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind individuals in achieving equal access, reasonable accommodations and effective communication in a variety of areas in their communities.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) makes sure that people with disabilities are not discriminated against in:

  • Employment Transportation services
  • Recreation programs
  • Public accommodations
  • Telecommunication services

Other laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities include:

  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Communication Support 

Communication Support provides support, and assistive listening information for various types of communication tools. This includes communication services consultation for medical visits, job interviews, training and education classes and others.
Assistive Listening and Visual Systems: The communication process is aided by:

  • Qualified sign language interpreters
  • Tactile or up-close interpreters
  • Assistive listening devices
  • Real-time captioning
  • Television captioning and decoders
  • Computer assisted note-taking
  • Oral interpretation
  • Cued speech transliteration

Interpreter Services: Information on interpreter services and guidance is provided by our Regional Centers. Requests made by employers and service providers are accommodated.

Information and Referral Services

General information is provided to anyone. We provide information on:

  • Local and state resources
  • Programs concerning deafness and hearing loss
  • Services provided by the DSDHH and its Regional Centers
  • Other information as requested

Referrals are made to programs and agencies including:

  • Employment Security Commission
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Independent Living
  • Social Security Administration
  • Division of Motor Vehicles
  • Local police departments, city, county and state government programs and offices
  • American Sign Language and interpreter training programs

Information and Follow-ups

Unemployment benefits job training and placement services/Government programs include:

  • Social Security
  • Food stamps
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare

Personal and family information includes:

  • Legal separation or divorce
  • Child support
  • Income taxes
  • Budgets, financial planning and management
  • Estate planning
  • Checking and savings accounts

Workshops and Training: We provide training and educational opportunities to the local communities.
Types of trainings include:

  • ADA and civil rights information
  • Aging issues and information
  • American Sign Language (ASL)
  • Deaf Culture
  • Employment issues and concerns
  • Government programs
  • Hearing loss
  • Interpreter training and skills maintenance
  • Legal rights, citizenship


To learn more about these services, contact your local Regional Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.