Home Visits

The Georgia Asthma Program and Georgia Healthy Homes Program provides self-management education and in-home trigger reduction assessments to children with a diagnosis of not-well controlled or very poorly controlled asthma in DPH’s Maternal and Child Health—Children’s Medical Services (CMS) Program.

The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends the use of multi-trigger, multicomponent interventions with an environmental focus for children and adolescents with asthma based on strong evidence of effectiveness in improving overall quality of life and productivity. These types of interventions, which include home visits to address asthma triggers and asthma education, can lead to—

  • 21 fewer asthma symptom days per year per child
  • 12 fewer days per year of school missed
  • .6 fewer acute healthcare visits per year per child
  • Decrease of .4 hospitalizations per child
  • Decrease of emergency department visits of .2 per child
  • Decrease in unscheduled office visits of .5 per year

Georgia is currently piloting a multi-trigger, multicomponent approach in the Macon and Augusta health districts.

Additional Resources

2015 Georgia Asthma Program & Data Summary

Asthma Education and Home Visiting Program Flyer

Children's Medical Services

Georgia Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

The Community Guide Recommendations