Grant Policies

NICHD follows overall NIH policies and guidelines on many topics, but also issues its own policies on specific topics. These policies help guide how the institute handles a range of different research issues such as human subjects protection, data sharing, large grants, and administrative supplements.

Clinical Research (Includes Human Subjects, Inclusion, & Safety Monitoring)

These policies provide guidance on the conduct of various aspects of clinical research, including entries into, inclusion of different groups, protections for human subjects, and management of data safety and monitoring activities. 

NICHD Policies and Procedures on Clinical Research and Related Issues

Large Grants

NIH and NICHD provide policy guidance to applicants planning to submit any application requesting $500,000 or more in direct costs for any one year.

NICHD Policy on Large Grants
NIH Policy on Large Grants

Stem Cells

These policies govern the use of stem cells for research purposes.

Stem Cell Information at NIH


NICHD provides guidance to applicants on the submission of requests for additional funding to an active NICHD grant to support activities that fall within the original scope of the project.

NICHD Policy and Procedures for Administrative Supplements

Overarching Policies

NICHD also follows these NIH and HHS policies related to its research and activities.

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