Resources & Tools / Compliance


ECD Focus: To monitor, verify, improve, and enforce industry’s compliance with environmental standards during Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) operations. These standards include, but are not limited to, environmental laws, regulations, and relevant provisions, stipulations, and conditions placed on OCS leases, plans, and permits.

ECD Responsibilities:Platform at sunset


  • Environmental oversight in the Alaska OCS Regional Office (AKOCSR), Pacific OCS Regional Office (POCSR), and the Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office (GOMR) ;
  • ECD policy, regulation, and program development and implementation;
  • Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regarding the permitting of the BSEE’s OCS operations, and the monitoring of these activities;
  • Environmental compliance and enforcement activities;
  • Coordination with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and other Federal, State, and local agencies;
  • Public outreach efforts regarding environmental compliance; and
  • Support of the Alaska Region, Pacific Region and the Gulf of Mexico Region of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)

The Scientists and Engineers in ECD carry out their responsibilities as BSEE’s National Coordinators for the followingEnvironmental Programs:

To carry out Environmental Program oversight, ECD relies upon: