We've Been Scobleized!

I stopped by our Prints and Photographs Division this afternoon to meet blogging legend Robert Scoble, partly because he was interviewing Helena Zinkham, the acting chief of P&P, about our Flickr project, but also to tell him how his book “Naked Conversations” has had an important impact on impelling the Library’s blog forward.  Before I knew it, he had turned his camera on me and beamed an interview live to the world via 3G.  (Shameless self-promotion alert.)

Robert is also working on a more in-depth piece on the Flickr project, which I’m eager to see.  It’s always great when the HD camera comes out!

While I’m at it, in recent days and weeks, there has been a lot of Web 2.0 momentum building here at the Library.  I’m confident that this will soon lead to new ways in which we will reaching out to user communities and making the Library’s yummy goodness even more widely known and accessible.

St. Paul: That's a Wrap

Carol Highsmith brings us more (copyright-free) photos from the closing-night convention festivities in the Twin Cities: John McCain accepts the presidential nomination Sarah Palin waves to the delegates As in Denver, St. Paul had its share of protesters Cindy McCain joins her husband on stage The running mates and their spouses Balloons! Photos from Wednesday […]

Images from the Twin Cities

Carol Highsmith reports in with images from last night at the convention in St. Paul: Former Sen. Bob Dole chats with the North Carolina delegation Gov. Sarah Palin takes the stage The delegates react Sen. John McCain joins the Palin family on stage (Pictures from Denver can be found here and here.)