
Single Family lenders are required to obtain and submit information on nonprofit agencies and nonprofit instrumentalities of government when a) the agency is acting as a mortgagor or b) when the agency provides secondary financing assistance in conjunction with an FHA insured mortgage. This website allows users to search for Nonprofit organizations by name, authorization, or participating state. Detailed help is available online. For comments or other questions, click here.

NOTE: HUD approval is not required for units of Government (Federal, State and Local), or Government agencies/entities to participate in Single Family FHA activities. Government agencies and Instrumentalities of Government that are not also nonprofit organizations are not reflected on this roster. HUD does not maintain a list of Government Entity Downpayment Assistance Program (DAP) providers. Mortgage lenders are responsible for assuring that a Government Entity DAP provider meets all appropriate FHA requirements, including but not limited to those contained in Mortgagee Letters 1994-2, 2002-22, and HUD Handbook 4155.1.

Sorted By:
Legal Name:
  FHA Borrower:
  Secondary Financing:
Home Ownership Center:
Participating State:
City Name: