Get to Know NICHD

NICHD researchers and staff carry out the Institute's mission through their work in the lab, in the field, and in their offices. The interviews below provide a deeper look at the Institute's dedicated staff, the science it conducts and supports, and what that science means to the public.

NICHD researchers and staff

Dr. Brett Miller Interview

Dr. Brett Miller: Decoding Learning Disabilities
Dr. Brett Miller leads NICHD efforts to better understand dyslexia. Research suggests that direct, systematic, and explicit instruction in small groups can help children with dyslexia learn to read.

Dr.  Alison Cernich Interview

Dr. Alison Cernich: Driving Innovation for Recovery
A "bionic" arm? Toy cars for mobility-impaired toddlers? NICHD's Dr. Alison Cernich talks about technologies on the cutting edge of rehabilitation research—and where the future is headed.

Dr. Chris McBain Interview

Dr. Chris McBain: The Electric Brain Reveals its Wiring
How the brain's "wiring" develops and works—and what happens when it goes wrong—are the types of questions Dr. Chris McBain's laboratory seeks to answer. His work could provide clues to understanding conditions like epilepsy, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Lisa Halvorson Interview

Dr. Lisa Halvorson: Renewed Focus on Women's Health
The Gynecologic Health and Disease Branch is a relative newcomer to the NICHD family, even though gynecologic research has been an important part of the institute's portfolio since it was founded. Branch chief Dr. Lisa Halvorson talks about her vision for the branch and how she sees it influencing women's health.

Dr. Esther Eisenberg Interview

Dr. Esther Eisenberg: Taking Aim at Endometriosis
NICHD's Dr. Esther Eisenberg discusses what we know about endometriosis and highlights promising areas of research.

Dr. Stuart Moss and Dr. Susan Taymans Interview

Drs. Stuart B. Moss and Susan Taymans : Dispelling Infertility Myths
Misperceptions about infertility abound—starting with how many couples experience it. NICHD program officers Drs. Stuart B. Moss and Susan Taymans sit down to discuss the facts.

If you need additional biographical information on NICHD leadership or would like to schedule an interview with an NICHD staff member, contact the Office of Communications at or 301-496-5133.

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