What We Do

The mission of Region 1 is to improve the economic and social well-being of children and families by working in partnership with states, tribes and community and faith-based organizations.

Region 1 supports:

  • 6 states receiving funds for child welfare, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, child support enforcement, and child care
  • 1 federally recognized tribe receiving TANF funds as a Native Employment Works (NEW) grantee
  • 1 federally recognized tribe receiving child support enforcement funds
  • 3 federally recognized tribes receiving Head Start funds
  • 6 federally recognized tribes receiving title IV-B child welfare funds
  • 7 federally recognized tribes receiving child care funds
  • 74 Head Start grantees serving 25,237 children – 1,018 children are supported with state funds
  • 37 Early Head Start grantees serving 2,686 pregnant women, infants and toddlers – 101 children are supported with state funds
  • 45 runaway and homeless grants serving more than 40,000 youth

ACF Regional Programs

The regional office represents ACF’s regional program offices.

Grants Management Regional Unit

The Grants Management Regional Unit responsibilities include:

  • Ensure business and financial responsibilities of grants administration are carried out
  • Manage ACF’s discretionary, formula, entitlement and block grants in the region
  • Direct all grants and cooperative agreements
  • Ensure compliance with applicable statutes, regulations and policies
  • Perform audit resolutions
  • Provide leadership and technical guidance to ACF programs on grant operations and grants management issues.

Contact: George Barnwell, Regional Grants Management Officer
Phone: (617) 565-1403
Email: george.barnwell@acf.hhs.gov

Children’s Bureau Regional Program Unit

The Children’s Bureau (CB) Regional Program Unit is responsible for providing program and technical administration of Children’s Bureau formula, entitlement, block and discretionary programs to State and Tribal agencies.

These programs include:

  • Child welfare, including child abuse and neglect
  • Child protective services
  • Family preservation and support;
  • Adoption
  • Foster care
  • Independent living
  • State court improvement

Contact: Bob Cavanaugh, Regional Program Manager
Phone: (617) 565-2449
Email: bob.cavanaugh@acf.hhs.gov

Office of Child Support Enforcement Regional Program Unit

The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Regional Program Unit is responsible for providing program and technical administration of OCSE entitlement and discretionary programs and for collaborating with ACF Central Office, States, Tribes and other grantees on all significant program and policy matters.

Contact: Michael Ginns, Regional Program Manager
Phone: (617) 565-2456
Email: michael.ginns@acf.hhs.gov

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Bureau Regional Program Unit

The TANF Bureau Regional Program Unit is responsible for providing program and technical administration of the TANF block grant and for collaborating with the Office of Family Assistance, States, Tribes, and other grantees on all significant policy matters.

Contact: Carol Monteiro, Regional Program Manager
Phone: (617) 565-2462
Email: carol.monteiro@acf.hhs.gov

Office of Child Care Regional Program Unit

The Office of Child Care (OCC) Regional Program Unit is responsible for providing centralized program and technical administration of Child Care Development (CCDF) block grant and discretionary programs and for collaborating with OCC, States, Tribes, and other grantees on all significant policy matters.

Contact: Shireen Riley, Regional Program Manager
Phone: (617) 565-1152
Email: shireen.riley@acf.hhs.gov

Head Start Regional Program Unit

TheOffice of Head Start (OHS) promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of low-income children through health, educational, nutritional, social, and other services, as necessary.

The Head Start Regional Program Unit is the funding agency to organizations that provide Head Start (HS) and Early Head Start (EHS) services to pregnant women and children from birth to age 5. OHS provides oversight of these organizations through monitoring and technical assistance. For more information, resources and to locate a HS or EHS program in your community, please visit the OHS Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center.

Contact: Marina Winkler, Regional Program Manager
Phone: (617) 565-3797
Email: marina.winkler@acf.hhs.gov

Office of Refugee Resettlement Regional Program Unit

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) helps people of special humanitarian concern become integrated members of American society. The ORR regional program unit works in partnership with its stakeholders to make available ORR programs that help refugees become self-sufficient and to strengthen coordination with non-ORR programs for which refugees are also eligible.

Contact: Julie Munro, Regional Representative
Phone: (617) 565-3671
Email: julie.munro@acf.hhs.gov

Last Reviewed: February 15, 2017

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