What We Do

Region 6 fulfills ACF's mission to meet the needs of children and families in a positive and productive environment through visionary leadership, effective program integration and responsible staffing.

Region 6 supports:

  • 67 federally recognized tribes
  • 160 Head Start grantees serving 102,268 children
  • 92 Early Head Start grantees serving 13,970 pregnant women, infants, and toddlers.
  • 35 EHS-CCP serving 4,044 pregnant women, infants, and toddlers
  • 65 Runaway and Homeless Youth grants

ACF Regional Programs

Grants Management Regional Unit

The Grants Management Regional Unit is headed by the Regional Grants Management Officer and supports the Chief Grants Officer/Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration.

The unit’s responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring that business and financial responsibilities of grants administration are carried out
  • Managing ACF’s discretionary, formula, entitlement and block grants in the region
  • Directing all grants and cooperative agreements
  • Ensuring compliance with applicable statutes, regulations and policies
  • Performing audit resolutions
  • Providing leadership and technical guidance to ACF programs on grant operations and grants management issues

Children's Bureau Regional Program Unit

The Children’s Bureau (CB) Regional Program Unit is headed by a Regional Program Manager who reports to the director of the Children’s Bureau within the Administration for Children and Families.

The unit is responsible for monitoring child welfare programs and providing technical assistance to states and tribes. In addition, the unit:

  • Provides programmatic oversight and technical assistance to the Court Improvement Project and Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention grantees
  • Collaborates with ACF CB Central Office, other Regional Program Units and other interested parties on all significant program and policy matters

OCSE Regional Program Unit

The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Regional Program Unit is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Deputy Director/Commissioner, OCSE.

The unit is responsible for providing program and technical administration of OCSE entitlement and discretionary programs and for collaborating with ACF Central Office, states, tribes and other grantees on all significant program and policy matters.

TANF Bureau Regional Program Unit

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Regional Program Unit is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Associate Director, TANF, within the Office of Family Assistance.

The unit is responsible for providing centralized program and technical administration of the TANF block grant and for collaborating with ACF Central Office, states and other grantees on all significant policy matters.

Child Care Bureau Regional Program Unit

The Child Care Bureau (CCB) Regional Program Unit is headed by a Regional Program Manager who reports to the Associate Director, CCB within the Office of Family Assistance.

The unit is responsible for providing centralized program and technical administration of CCB block and discretionary programs and for collaborating with ACF Central Office, states and other grantees on all significant policy matters.

Head Start Regional Program Unit

The Head Start Regional Program Unit is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Program Operations Division in the Office of Head Start (OHS).

The unit is responsible for providing centralized program and technical administration of OHS discretionary programs and for collaborating with OHS State Collaboration Projects on all significant policy matters. The Regional Program Unit oversees the day-to-day management of Head Start grantees and the provision of technical assistance.

Family & Youth Services Bureau Regional Program Office Program Unit

The Family & Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) Regional Program Office is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Commissioner within the Office of Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF).

The office is responsible for providing program and technical support to organizations and communities that work to end runaway and youth homelessness, adolescent pregnancy and domestic violence.

Office of Refugee Resettlement Regional Program Office Program Unit

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Regional Program Office is headed by the Regional Program Manager who reports to the Director of ORR.

The office is responsible for providing new populations with the opportunity to achieve their full potential in the United States, by providing critical resources to assist them in becoming integrated members of American society.

ORR’s divisions include:

  • Refugee Assistance
  • Refugee Health


Last Reviewed: March 9, 2017

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