NCATS Advisory Council

According to its charter (PDF - 26KB), the NCATS Advisory Council provides guidance, consults and makes recommendations to the secretary of Health and Human Services, the NIH director and to the NCATS director on Center initiatives, policies and programs.

The NCATS Advisory Council is composed of appointed members who serve four-year terms. These members can serve on subcommittees and working groups to investigate and provide recommendations and guidance related to specific topics of interest to NCATS.

Advisory Councils at NIH provide second-level review of all grant applications under consideration for Institute or Center funding. Each Council is required to establish general operating procedures for the review of grant applications. The NCATS Advisory Council also discusses concept clearances for potential NCATS initiatives.

Next Meeting

Jan. 10, 2019
11 a.m. ET


This joint meeting of the NCATS Advisory Council and the Cures Acceleration Network Review Board will feature presentations by NCATS leadership and invited guests. NCATS staff will present proposed initiative concepts for Advisory Council/CAN Review Board consideration.

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