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Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN)

Team Identifies Three Distinct Forms of Rare Food Allergy Disease

With support from the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network, scientists have developed a personalized approach to diagnosing and treating eosinophilic esophagitis.

RDCRN brain
Potential Gene-Editing Treatment Advances to Clinical Trials

RDCRN-supported researchers charted how several rare diseases progressed in patients over time, helping to enable a potential gene-editing therapy to advance to clinical trials.

About the RDCRN

Learn more about the RDCRN program and its network of study sites.

RDCRN Funding Information

Find out about funding opportunities, how to apply and how to collaborate.

Current RDCRN Consortia

Discover the 22 consortia and their central data management and coordinating center.

Rare Diseases Health Information

Access information about rare diseases for patients and researchers.

About the RDCRN

Learn more about the RDCRN program and its network of study sites.

RDCRN Funding Information

Find out about funding opportunities, how to apply and how to collaborate.

Current RDCRN Consortia

Discover the 22 consortia and their central data management and coordinating center.

Rare Diseases Health Information

Access information about rare diseases for patients and researchers.

Work with Us

Tiina Urv, Ph.D.


Download the RDCRN fact sheet (PDF - 184KB).

Learn about the RDCRN

The RDCRN program is designed to advance medical research on rare diseases by providing support for clinical studies and facilitating collaboration, study enrollment and data sharing. Through the RDCRN consortia, physician scientists and their multidisciplinary teams work together with patient advocacy groups to study more than 200 rare diseases at sites across the nation.

Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD)

GARD provides up-to-date health information about numerous rare and genetic diseases.