Small Business Resources

Small businesses considering SBIR and STTR funding may find the following information and resources helpful.

Resources from NCATS


NCATS Small Business Support for Biotech Entrepreneurs and Researchers (with robust Q&A)

Date: Jan. 30, 2018
Co-Hosts: North Carolina Biosciences Organization and Virginia Bio
Description: Information about SBIR and STTR funding and NCATS resources for researchers and entrepreneurs focused on advancing translational research and technologies.
Q&A (begins at 32:06): Lili Portilla, M.P.A., Director, NCATS Office of Strategic Alliances, answers questions related to the difference between funding phases, the application process and tips for success, guidelines for an eligible team, intellectual property (IP) rights and more.

NCATS SBIR & STTR Support for Biotech Entrepreneurs and Researchers

Date: Nov. 14, 2017
Co-Hosts: Life Science Washington, New Mexico Biotechnology & Biomedical Association, Oregon Bioscience Association and Montana BioScience Alliance
Description: Information about funding and resources for researchers and entrepreneurs focused on advancing translational research and technologies that will improve disease prevention, detection and treatment. The webinar covers an overview of the program, tips for successful application and other NCATS small business resources.
Q&A (begins at 41:06): Focused areas of discussion include the following: “How do I know if my proposal is a good fit for NCATS? What funding announcement should I apply under? Can I switch from an SBIR mechanism to an STTR mechanism? How many grants may I submit in a grant cycle?”

Support for Women Entrepreneurs and Researchers in Biotech

Date: July 14, 2016
Co-Hosts: NCI, NINDS and the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO)
Description: Information about funding opportunities and resources to support biotechnology and health care small businesses, including those owned by women and individuals from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. At 1:40, BIO discusses challenges for women in the biotechnology field.
Q&A (begins at 51:25): Focused areas of discussion include the following: “What constitutes a Phase I feasibility study? What is the composition of SBIR review groups? Do I need to file a patent prior to grant submission?”

Note: Webinar audio begins at 0:13.

NCATS Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs in Biotech and Healthcare Webinar

Date: March 2, 2016
Co-Hosts: NHLBI, NCI and the Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
Description: Information about programs and funding opportunities available to support women-owned small businesses (WOSB) and women in research and technology transfer organizations. Statistics on women-owned biomedical businesses/entrepreneurs were provided by AWIS Director of Research and Analysis Heather Metcalf, Ph.D. Success rates for WOSB applying for NIH SBIR and STTR grants are discussed.
Q&A (begins at 50:48): The section provides application tips as well as a discussion on virtual companies applying for NIH SBIR and STTR grants and foreign component in grants.

Other NCATS Resources

Application Resources from NIH

Additional Resources

  • 2015 Resource Guide for Small Businesses (PDF - 3MB)
    This guide from the Small Business Administration provides helpful guidance for interested small businesses.
  • Premarket Submission Information
    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have established a pilot program for concurrent review of certain FDA premarket review submissions for medical devices and CMS national coverage determinations. Reducing the interval between FDA marketing approval and Medicare coverage facilitates the development of innovative products and shortens the time it takes to bring these products to patients.

Tips for Women-Owned and Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Small Businesses

Through its SBIR/STTR programs, NCATS supports both women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurs and researchers from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Businesses can self-certify during the application process if they meet the criteria for one or both of the categories below.

Certification information is encouraged but not required. It is used for federal tracking purposes only to help NCATS and other NIH Institutes and Centers gain a better understanding of applicant demographics during specific funding opportunity cycles.

What Is a Women-Owned Small Business?

  • A women-owned business must be a minimum of 51 percent owned and controlled by one or more women and primarily managed by one or more women who are U.S. citizens.
  • A business is classified “small” in its primary industry in accordance with the Small Business Administration (SBA) size standards for that industry.
  • Small business applicants must self-certify on the SF424 (R&R) Form.

What Is a Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Small Business?

  • A socially and economically disadvantaged business must be a minimum of 51 percent owned and controlled by one or more disadvantaged people.
  • The disadvantaged person or people must be both socially disadvantaged and economically disadvantaged.
  • The business is classified “small” in its primary industry in accordance with the SBA size standards for that industry.
  • Applicants must self-certify by registering in the System for Award Management.

Federal and State Support for Awardees 

Small businesses may have access to state and federal support after receiving an NCATS SBIR/STTR award. Read more to find some current funding and technical assistance resources available from other federal agencies and state organizations.