September 2016 DMID Council-Approved Concepts

Concepts represent early planning stages for program announcements, requests for applications, or solicitations for Council's input. If NIAID publishes an initiative from one of these concepts, we link to it below. To find initiatives, go to Find a Funding Opportunity.

NB: Council approval does not guarantee that a concept will become an initiative.

Table of Contents

Development of Medical Countermeasures for Biothreat Agents, Antimicrobial-Resistant Infections, and Emerging Infectious Diseases

For the published broad agency announcement, see the June 1, 2018 solicitation, 2018 NIAID Omnibus Broad Agency Announcement.

Partnerships for the Development of Tools To Advance Therapeutic Discovery for Select Antimicrobial-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria

For the published request for applications, see the November 16, 2016 Guide announcement, Partnerships for the Development of Tools To Advance Therapeutic Discovery for Select Antimicrobial-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria (R01).

Partnerships for Development of Vaccines To Prevent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection and/or Tuberculosis Disease

For the published request for applications, see the October 5, 2016 Guide announcement, Partnerships for Development of Vaccines to Prevent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection and/or Tuberculosis Disease (R01).

Development of Multipurpose Prevention Technologies: A Strategy for the Prevention of STIs

For the published request for applications, see the December 7, 2016 Guide announcement, Development of Multipurpose Prevention Technologies: A Strategy for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) (R61/R33)​​.​


Content last reviewed on July 6, 2017