Eating in a Community Food System

Chefs Collaborative.

Promotes sustainable cuisine through local, seasonal and artisanal cooking.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

Provides articles, statistics, and history about Community Supported Agriculture.

Community Food Security Coalition.

Provides general information on the Farm to College Program as well as links to research reports.

Cornell University. Farm to School Extension and Research Program.

Resources for supporting efforts that increase the amount of locally-grown foods served in schools.

USDA. Agricultural Marketing Service.

Search for a farmers market by zip code, product availability, payment method, and other criteria.

Local Harvest.

Supports sustainable agriculture by connecting consumers with local food systems.

University of Wisconsin - Madison. Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems.

Handouts that describe hidden costs of several commonly eaten foods and encourage eaters to seek sustainable alternatives.

FoodRoutes Network.

Learn about and locate Farmers Markets, Food Cooperatives, and other types of local food outlets near you.