Foreign Grants Management

Foreign Grants Management

Here foreign grantees, investigators, and project leaders learn how to manage NIH grant funds and comply with requirements. Principal investigators and staff in the institutional business office work closely together throughout the entire grant period.

The information in this section covers grants management only. If you don’t have an international grant yet, refer to Foreign or International Applications and visit other sections in the site’s navigation for other stages. 

You can attend in-person training through our Upcoming NIH Grants Policy and Management Training Workshops.

Be aware that NIAID performs site visits to review the administrative and financial systems for NIAID awards that include foreign entities. Learn more at Foreign Organization System (FOS) Review.

Have Questions?

For business and policy issues, contact your grants management specialist, found in your eRA Commons account or on your summary statement. If you have not been assigned a specialist, go to NIAID's Grants Management Program Contacts to locate one.

Content last reviewed on August 11, 2016