Inspection Programs

The Safety Inspection Program provides national-level oversight for BSEE’s Safety Inspection initiatives. This component of the Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs ensures the Bureau meets its statutory mandates to provide for the annual inspection of all oil & gas drilling rigs and production facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). This Section is currently developing a risk-based approach to augment BSEE’s inspection program. This Section also conducts a wide range of interagency liaison and stakeholder outreach activities to promote offshore safety.Inspectors

The OCS Lands Act authorizes and requires the Bureau to provide for both an annual scheduled inspection and a periodic unscheduled (unannounced) inspection of all oil and gas operations on the outer continental shelf. The annual inspection examines all safety equipment designed to prevent blowouts, fires, spills, or other major accidents.

The program supports BSEE’s safety-inspection process through policy development, data analysis, and program oversight.  Specific focus areas include:

  • Analysis of inspection and Incidents of Noncompliance (INCs) data, to identify safety trends and areas of concern in the offshore oil & gas industry.
  • Biannual review of the Fixed Platform Inspection Program (FPIP), to identify safety trends and areas of concern relating to BSEE inspection of the Z-PINCs on behalf of the U.S. Coast Guard.
  • Support for BSEE’s Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) pilot project, to prioritize risks and more effectively focus BSEE’s inspection resources. BSEE’s Risk‐Based Inspection (RBI) Program is intended to supplement the current annual inspection program; by focusing on higher‐risk facilities and operations, BSEE can more efficiently and effectively manage inspection resources.
  • Served as national lead for BSEE’s Real-Time Monitoring (RTM) initiative, investigates ways to enhance BSEE’s Safety Inspection Program using RTM technologies.

Also, the staff provides Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for Technology Assessment Program (TAP) research projects relating to safety inspections. This involves “cradle-to-grave” support for the research projects, assisting in all phases including identification of research topics; development of the Statements of Work; participation on the screening panel for the research proposals; participation as a SME during all meetings. Additionally, SME's provide input, guidance, and feedback to research contractors, after a contract has been awarded. Then, they review and provide feedback as necessary.