You may receive email notifications associated with your E-Verify case if additional action is required to complete the E-Verify verification process. To receive these notifications, you must provide your email address in the optional email field in Section 1 of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification.

Section 1 Form I-9

When you provide your email address, your employer must enter your email address into E-Verify. The employer must not enter an email address other than the one you provided on Form I-9. E-Verify will send you an email if any of the following occur:

  1. E-Verify provides a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) because the information entered into E Verify from Form I-9 does not match government records.
  2. The employer refers the case to the Social Security Administration (SSA) or Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after you take action to resolve (contest) a TNC.
  3. You have not contacted SSA or DHS within four days of the date that the employer referred the case to SSA or DHS.
  4. E-Verify confirmed that you are eligible to work in the United States according to DHS records, but also found that SSA records need to be updated to reflect naturalization.

Email notifications do not replace the current TNC process. Employers must continue to notify you of TNCs and your right to contest by giving you a Further Action Notice from E-Verify.

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