What We Do / Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs / Houston Engineering Technology Center

Houston Engineering Technology Center

The Houston Engineering Technology Center provides BSEE’s headquarters, region and district offices with consulting expertise, value-added solutions, and the comprehensive review of new, unused, innovative and unusual technologies. The staff’s work informs and provides expert assessments to the Bureau’s Regions and Districts. This is used in reviewing and approving new technology permits. All of this work is focused toward ensuring that oil and gas operations are performed in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Located in Houston’s downtown area, the center interacts closely with equipment manufacturers, assists in the development of new offshore oil and gas regulations, and evaluates proposed industry standards.

Contact the Houston Engineering Technology Center:

Houston Engineering Technology Center
1919 Smith Street, Suite 14042
Houston, Texas 77002

Phone: (713) 220-9205


Study Topics

Probablity Risk Assessment (PRA) — In 2016, BSEE and NASA entered into an interagency agreement to, among other joint goals, evaluate the use of PRA in the offshore oil and gas industry.

High Pressure High Temperature — As offshore oil and gas exploration and development advances in relation to both deeper water depth and deeper wells, the operating environment can present challenges, especially in terms of temperatures and pressures encountered.  High pressure has been defined as greater than 15,000 psi and high temperature has been defined as greater than 350 F degrees in the Code of Federal Regulations at 30 C.F.R. § 250.804.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does the Houston Engineering Technology Center work directly with the general public?

No, BSEE’s Houston Engineering Technology Center provides engineering support and expertise directly to BSEE’s headquarters office, regional and district staff. The work performed at the Houston Engineering Technology Center will not be noticed by industry or the general public. All work requests should still be directed towards a local or regional office, who will then send work orders to the center for completion when required, using the engineering center does not change any BSEE process currently in effect.


What is considered new technology, and how does it differ from evolving technology?

New technology is defined in 30 CFR 250.200. According to 30 CFR 250.200, new means equipment or procedures have not been used previously, or extensively in a BSEE OCS Region; have not been used previously under the anticipated operating conditions; or have operating characteristics that are outside the performance parameters established by this part; Likewise, an evolved technology is a previously used item that’s been modified or made better.


How does the center distinguish itself from other programs, such as the Best Available and Safest Technologies (BAST) Program, Technical Assessment Section (TAS) and the District Operations Support (DOS) differ?

The center provides consulting services and technical assistance to BSEE’s regions, districts and headquarters. The center provides technical assistance for BSEE’s programs, and does not provide regulatory approvals. The BAST program is a regulatory program for identifying and assessing proven technologies on the Outer Continental Shelf. The DOS provides guidance to BSEE’s districts on the review and approval of permits, alternate compliance and departures, and is also responsible for permitting compliance. The TAS reviews Deepwater Operations Plans and other permitting issues relating to production operations in the Gulf of Mexico.


How transparent will Houston Engineering Technology Center be in their review process?

The center works within BSEE’s current review process to evaluate new technologies for use offshore. The center's function won’t be known to industry. The center serves as an internal consulting firm within the bureau. The technical staff will solve technical issues upon the request of a regional or district office.


Does approval of new technology mean it can be used without any further approval from BSEE?

Official approvals come from BSEE’s appropriate office. The center only assists in the review process and does not change any existing process.


What equipment does BSEE want to review for new technology?

The regional office requests supplemental expertise from the center on a case-by-case basis. The center evaluates the equipment and/or the technical issue and works directly with the region or district. There aren’t any changes to BSEE’s processes. The center's study of a new technology always begins with a regional or district request.