Services for Children First

September 4, 2013
Children and families receive a developmental screening utilizing Brooke’s Publishing’s Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Third Edition and the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional.  Additionally, families’ strengths and needs are assessed utilizing the Department of Public Health’s Maternal Child Health Assessment.
Children 1st utilizes the following five key functions:
  • The identification of all births in Georgia;
  • The screening of all births and children up to age five;
  • The assessment of children and families at risk;
  • The referral/linkage of children and families with risk conditions to appropriate services; and
  • The monitoring of individual children from birth to age five with risk conditions.
For more information or to make a referral to Children 1st, call your local health department or call 1-855-707-8277.
1st Care
1st Care services are designed to assist families with premature or low birth weight infants after the infant is discharged from the hospital.  1st Care registered nurses, in select districts provide   an in-home nursing assessment, developmental screening and monitoring; follow-up and care coordination. Services are designed to provide family support, education, linkage to a medical home and/or community resources to improve health and developmental outcomes as well as enhance parenting skills.  1st Care is a voluntary program.
What is the purpose of 1st Care?
1st Care services are designed to assure that families with high risk infants:
  • Receive appropriate health and developmental screenings, nursing assessments, care coordination, and monitoring;
  • Gain knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide care for their infant and;
  • Receive tools necessary to access and navigate services for their infant.