Obligations by Budget Mechanism and Division

All NIH Institutes and Centers report their actual obligations each fiscal year by budget mechanism. The tables below display NCI funding by mechanism and division. The number of awards, trainees, or employees for each mechanism, as well as the dollar amount and percent share of the total NCI budget for each funding mechanism is also included.

NCI Obligations by Mechanism

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Other Research mechanisms includes the following grants: Career Programs (K Awards), Cancer Education, Clinical Cooperative Groups, Pre-Doc Post-Doc Transition Awards, Minority Biomedical Research Support, Research Pathway in Residency, Resource Grants, International Research Training grants, Cooperative Conference Agreements, and Conference grants.

All items in italics are non add entries.
*Includes FY 2018 Cures-Moonshot funding.
*Excludes FY 2017 Cures-Moonshot carryover obligations. 

NCI Obligations by Mechanism, FY 2018
(Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Number Amount % of Total Amount
Research Project Grants (RPGs) Non-Competing


$1,699,682,348 28.7%
Administrative Supplements 280 36,754,377 0.6%
Competing 1,162 571,221,786 9.6%
Subtotal, without SBIR/STTR Grants 4,500 $2,307,658,511 38.9%
SBIR/STTR Grants 280 142,899,233 2.4%
Subtotal, RPGs 4,780 $2,450,557,744 41.3%
Centers & SPOREs Cancer Centers Grants-P20/P30 91 331,429,940 5.6%
SPOREs-P50 55 115,829,834 2.0%
Other P50s/P20s 0 0 0.0%
Other Specialized Centers 92 178,315,713 3.0%
Subtotal, Centers 238 $625,575,487 10.6%
Other Research Career Program 0.0%
Post-Doc-Fellow Awards-K00 30 2,293,876 0.0%
Temin & Minority Mentored Awards-K01/K43 41 5,979,795 0.1%
Estab. Inv. Award-K-05 5 444,131 0.2%
Preventive Oncology-K07 73 11,271,537 0.4%
Clinical Investigator-K08 113 20,858,368 0.2%
Clinical Oncology-K12 21 14,228,491 0.2%
Transitional Career Development-K22 58 10,304,211 0.0%
Mentored Patient Oriented RCDA-K23 13 2,165,733 0.0%
Mid-Career Invest. & Patient Orient. Res-K24 13 2,379,742 0.0%
Mentored Quant. Res Career-K25 6 847,484 0.1%
Pathway to Independence Awards K99 59 7,564,148 1.3%
Subtotal, Career Program 432 $78,337,516 1.3%
Cancer Education Program-R25(including BD2K) 76 21,181,892 0.4%
Clinical Cooperative Groups-U10/UG1 101 255,340,505 4.3%
PreDoc PostDoc Transition Awards-F99 47 1,769,662 0.0%
Minority Biomedical Support-S06 0 97,802 0.0%
Research Pathway in Residency-R38 1 358,020 0.0%
Resource Grants-R24/U24 90 179,028,691 3.0%
Int'l Rsrch Training Grants Conference- D43/U2R 943,987 0.0%
Cooperative Conference Agreements-U13 2 9,000 0.0%
Conference Grants-R13 46 798,659 0.0%
Subtotal, Career and Other Research Grants 795 $537,865,734 9.1%
Subtotal, Research Grants   5,813 $3,613,998,965 61.0%
National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowships Trainees 1,532 82,413,198 1.4%
R&D Contracts R&D Contracts 402 752,280,456 12.7%
SBIR Contracts 45 24,363,729 0.4%
NIH Management Fund/SSF Assessment 48,761,825 0.8%
Subtotal, Contracts 447 $825,406,010 13.9%
Intramural Research Program 739,537,951 12.5%
NIH Management Fund/SSF Assessment 205,957,758 3.5%
Subtotal, Intramural Research (FTEs) 1,709 $945,495,709 16.0%
Research Management & Support (RMS) Research Management and Support (RMS) 340,686,109 5.7%
SBIR RMS 0 0.0%
NIH Management Fund/SSF Assessment 101,729,113 1.7%
Subtotal, RMS (FTEs) 1,243 $442,415,222 7.5%
Buildings & Facilities   18,000,000 0.3%
*Total NCI (FTEs) 2,952 $5,927,729,104 100.0%

Division Obligations by Mechanism

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Division Obligations

Total Division Obligations, FY 2018
(Whole Dollars)
Division Total
Center for Cancer Research (CCR) $448,457,653
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) 105,897,928
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) 529,420,747
Division of Cancer Biology (DCB) 108,920,638
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) 125,506,592
Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP) 196,721,315
Division of Extramural Activities (DEA) 22,575,736
Office of the Director (OD) 1,485,904,925
Total Division $3,023,405,534

Center for Cancer Research (CCR)

CCR Obligations
(Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Amount
Intramural Research Program $448,457,653
NIH Management Fund 0
Total CCR   $448,457,653

Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG)

DCEG Obligations
(Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Amount
R&D Contracts R&D Contracts $26,519,224
SBIR Contracts 0
Intramural Research Program 79,378,704
NIH Management Fund 0
Total DCEG   $105,897,928

Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD)

DCTD Obligations
(Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Amount
Centers & SPOREs Cancer Centers Grants-P20/P30 $0
SPOREs-P50 111,504,723
Other P50s/P20s 0
U54s 14,212,588
Subtotal, Centers $125,717,311
Other Research–Grants Cancer Education Program-R25 0
Clinical Cooperative Groups-U10/UG1 136,773,118
Minority Biomedical Support-S06 0
Sci Eval-U09/T09 & Rsch Enhance-SC1 0
Continuing Education 0
Resource Grants-R24/U24 0
Explor Coop Agreement-U56 0
Global Infect. Disease Rsrch Training Prog - D43 0
Conference Grants-R13/U13 0
Subtotal, Other Research-Grants $136,773,118
Subtotal, Research Grants   $262,490,429
R&D Contracts R&D Contracts 211,716,905
SBIR Contracts 0
Subtotal, Contracts $211,716,905
Research Management & Support (RMS) RMS 55,213,413
NIH Management Fund 0
Subtotal, RMS $55,213,413
Total DCTD   $529,420,747

Division of Cancer Biology (DCB)

DCB Obligations
(Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Amount
Centers & SPOREs Cancer Centers Grants-P20/P30 $0
SPOREs-P50 0
Other P50s/P20s 0
U54s 97,099,895
Subtotal, Centers $97,099,895
Other Research-Grants Subtotal, Other Research–Grants $97,099,895
Research Management & Support (RMS) RMS 11,820,743
NIH Management Fund 0
Subtotal, RMS $11,820,743
Total DCB   $108,920,638

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)

DCCPS Obligations
(Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Amount
Centers & SPOREs Cancer Centers Grants-P20/P30 $0
SPOREs-P50 0
Other P50s/P20s 0
U54s 475,000
Subtotal, Centers $475,000
Cancer Education Program-R25
Clinical Cooperative Groups-U10/UG1 679,899
PreDoc PostDoc Transition Awards-F99
Minority Biomedical Support-S06
Research Pathway in Residency-R38
Resource Grants-R24/U24/U2C 700,000
Global Infect. Disease Rsrch Training Prog - D43/U2R
Cooperative Conference Agreements-U13
Conference Grants-R13 74,250
Subtotal, Other Research Grants $1,453,149
Subtotal, Research Grants $1,928,149
R&D Contracts R&D Contracts 88,479,872
SBIR Contracts 0
Subtotal, Contracts $88,479,872
Research Management & Support (RMS) RMS 35,098,571
NIH Management Fund 0
Subtotal, RMS $35,098,571
Total DCCPS   $125,506,592

Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP)

DCP Obligations
(Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Amount
Centers & SPOREs Cancer Centers Grants-P20/P30 $0
SPOREs-P50 0
Other P50s/P20s 0
U54s 2,346,884
Subtotal, Centers $2,346,884
Other Research–Grants Cancer Education Program-R25 0
Clinical Cooperative Groups-U10/UG1 112,164,519
Minority Biomedical Support-S06 0
Sci Eval-U09/T09 & Rsch Enhance-SC1 0
Continuing Education 0
Resource Grants-R24/U24 0
Explor Coop Agreement-U56 0
Global Infect. Disease Rsrch Training Prog - D43 0
Conference Grants-R13/U13 0
Subtotal, Other Research Grants $112,164,519
Subtotal, Research Grants   $114,511,303
R&D Contracts R&D Contracts 56,472,670
SBIR Contracts 0
Subtotal, Contracts $56,472,670
Research Management & Support (RMS) RMS 25,737,342
NIH Management Fund 0
Subtotal, RMS $25,737,342
Total DCP   $196,721,315

Division of Extramural Activities (DEA)

DEA Obligations
(Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Amount
Research Management & Support (RMS) RMS $22,575,736
NIH Management Fund 0
Total DEA  $22,575,736

Office of the Director (OD)

OD Obligations
(Whole Dollars)
Type of Mechanism Mechanism Amount
Research Project Grants (RPGs) Non-Competing $0
Administrative Supplements 0
Competing 0
Subtotal, without SBIR/STTR Grants $0
SBIR/STTR Grants 142,899,233
Subtotal, RPGs $142,899,233
Centers & SPOREs Cancer Centers Grants-P20/P30 331,429,940
SPOREs-P50 4,325,111
Other P50s/P20s 0
U54s 64,181,446
Subtotal, Centers $399,936,497
Other Research–Career Program Career Program 0
Post-Doc-Fellow Awards-K00 2,293,876
Temin & Minority Mentored Awards-K01 5,979,795
Estab. Inv. Award-K05 444,131
Preventive Oncology-K07 11,271,537
Clinical Investigator-K08 20,858,368
Clinical Oncology-K12 14,228,491
Transitional Career Development-K22 10,304,211
Mentored Patient Oriented RCDA-K23 2,165,733
Mid-Career Invest. & Patient Orient. Res-K24 2,379,742
Mentored Quant. Res Career-K25 847,484
Pathway Award-K99 7,564,148
Subtotal, Career Program $78,337,516
Other Research–Grants Cancer Education Program-R25 21,181,892
Clinical Cooperative Groups-U10/UG1 5,723,969
Minority Biomedical Support-S06 1,769,662
Sci Eval-U09/T09 & Rsch Enhance-SC1 0
Continuing Education 0
Resource Grants-R24/U24 0
Explor Coop Agreement-U56 0
Global Infect. Disease Rsrch Training Prog - D43 0
Conference Grants-R13/U13 0
Subtotal, Other Research–Grants $28,675,523
Subtotal, Research Grants   $649,848,769
NRSA Fellowships   82,413,198
R&D Contracts R&D Contracts 314,126,912
SBIR Contracts 24,363,729
NIH Management Fund/SSF Assessment/Program Evaluation 0
Subtotal, Contracts $338,490,641
Intramural Research Program 211,701,594
NIH Management Fund/SSF Assessment/Program Evaluation 0
Subtotal, Intramural Research $211,701,594
Research Management & Support (RMS) RMS 190,240,303
NIH Management Fund/SSF Assessment/Program Evaluation 0
Subtotal, RMS $190,240,303
Buildings and Facilities   18,000,000
Total OD   $1,485,904,925

  • Posted: December 20, 2018