VA Health

Glaucoma – Why Veterans need regular eye exams

Over two million Americans have glaucoma, including many Veterans. Here’s a look at the disease and why you should schedule an eye exam…now

News report calls VA ‘the Tesla of at-home care’

Since 2000, the number of veterans getting home-based primary care has quadrupled and every VA medical center across the country has added a palliative …

Help for Veterans with PTSD and sleep problems

Veterans with PTSD: having trouble sleeping? Watch this Army Veteran’s video and find out how VA’s programs and apps helped him…and can help you too.

Veteran lets service dog tell his sight loss story

Vietnam Coast Guard Veteran’s injuries are slowly costing him his sight. He is letting his service dog Ace describe his challenges in a series of …

VA sets standards in suicide risk assessment, offers support to community providers

The process uses high-quality, evidence-based tools and practices designed to help VA provide preventive mental health care to Veterans before they reach a …

Veterans donate during National Blood Donor Month

The winter months are the hardest season on the blood supply in America. Inclement weather, canceled blood drives, flu, and seasonal illnesses. VA …

Texas VA employees create special tree to help Veterans facing mental health issues

HARLINGEN, Texas —The second floor of the VA Health Care Center (HCC) here looks a bit more festive and colorful than usual thanks to a special tree …

Veteran’s family thanks VA’s Coaching Into Care

Here is a VA program that helps to educate, support, and empower Veterans' families and friends who are seeking VA services and care for their Veterans. …

Blue Christmas addresses Veterans’ holiday stress

Blue Christmas services are for those who struggle with emotional or spiritual pain and loneliness during the holidays. Here are excerpts from a VA …

Vet throws holiday party for Veterans for 31 years

Army Veteran “Doc” Dentice planned on a one-and-done holiday party for Veterans at the Milwaukee VA back in 1988. This year, assisted by 85 volunteers, …

VA not affected by partial government shutdown

Thanks to the leadership of President Trump and Congress, VA is fully funded for fiscal year 2019.

American Legion Auxiliary are Veterans’ Santa helpers

The American Legion Auxiliary helps Veterans find gifts for their caregivers at Columbia VA Health Care System. Volunteers do all the shopping and …