District Investigation Reports

20182017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 - 2003 Archive

RW/JT = Restricted Work or Job Transfer
LTA = Days away from work
TBA = Traveling Block Assembly

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
07-25-2018 00:20 00064 SS 114 Lift Boat  /equipment failure, pollution
07-20-2018 08:55 00064 SS 114 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
07-12-2018 22:15 G17565 AC 857 Injury - RW/JT (>3 days)
07-07-2018 11:15 G17938 SM 105 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
06-25-2018 17:30 G12027 PL 5 B H2S Release
06-25-2018 05:30 G07493 GB 427 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days)
05-19-2018 13:23 G11081 GC 645 Required Evac., RW/JT (>3 days)
05-10-2018 17:30 G32504 GC 432 Fire
05-09-2018 08:00 G06280 EB 165 Fire / Incident > $25K
05-08-2018 09:15 RUE #: 23579 GC 787 A
Gas Release
04-25-2018 17:00 G05431 VR 252 A Crane - Equipment Failure
04-21-2018 09:00 G21444 KC 875 LTA (>3 days)
04-16-2018 11:45 00479 EI 53 C Injury - RW/JT (>3 days)
04-12-2018 15:30 00577 EI 208 Injury Requiring Evacuation / RW/JT (1-3 days)
04-11-2018 17:15 G05006 HI 22 Injury Requiring Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Fire
04-05-2018 15:18 G02433 HI 368 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
03-22-2018 12:30 00060 SS 72 J Fire
03-16-2018 16:30 G31195 AC 728 Other Lifting Device (Chain Hoist Trolley)
03-14-2018 16:40 G13367 GB 161 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Other Lifting Device
02-23-2018 06:45 G01023 SS 224 D POLLUTION
02-02-2018 07:50 G02324 EI 361 Injury - LTA (>3 days), Required Evacuation
01-22-2018 23:30 G06894 VK 915 Pollution
Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-27-2017 18:45 G22987 GC 680 A (Constitution) Required Muster / >$25,000
12-03-2017 22:15 G13944 GI 116 Fire
11-29-2017 20:15 G34340 ST 224 Pollution / Crane / Incident > $25K
11-28-2017 14:00 G02893 EI 24 Fire / Injury Requiring Evacuation
11-26-2017 04:05 G27982 EW 834 Flowback
11-14-2017 12:15 G21618 SM 93 Injury - LTA (1-3 days), Required Evacuation
11-12-2017 18:30 G04464 ST 200 Well Control Incident
11-08-2017 01:20 G11445 GB 128 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days) / LTA (> 3 days) / Fire / Explosion / Structural Damage / Incident > $25K / Required Muster / Platform Evacuation
11-04-2017 14:40 G02947 MP 73 Fire / Incident > $25K / Required Muster
11-03-2017 13:50 G09743 VK 817 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
10-21-2017 14:15 00050 EI 120 Injury - LTA (>3 days), Required Evacuation
10-19-2017 19:11 G31362 EI 11 H LTA (>3 days), Required Evacuation
10-16-2017 17:30 G09868 MC 778 Other Lifting, Incident >$25K
10-13-2017 05:30 G04909 MP 64 Collision > $25K / Structural Damage
10-11-2017 00:15 G01362 ST 28 PRD Fire
09-19-2017 16:00 G11445 GB 128 Gas Release / Required Muster
09-18-2017 11:00 G09868 MC 778 Loss of Power
09-15-2017 11:50 G04842 ST 34 B Crane
09-13-2017 07:09 G15610 GC 782 A Pollution
09-11-2017 11:38 G02280 SM 130 A Injury -  Severed Finger
08-25-2017 09:05 G04452 EI 182 Injury - Thumb
08-10-2017 13:50 G02650 EB 110 Fire
08-02-2017 15:15 G00590 SS 177 A Fire
07-20-2017 16:45 G03331  EI 251 Travel Block Incident
07-16-2017 16:30 G12355 SS 198 J Injury - Explosion - Incident >$25,000
06-27-2017 21:20 G17015 WR 758 Pollution
06-10-2017 15:15 G01361 ST 26 A Injury - Fire - Incident >$25,000
06-07-2017 09:30 G07493 GB 427 Pollution
06-03-2017 19:35 G02184 SP 77 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA > 3 days
05-31-2017 14:10 G02118 EI 338 Crane
05-29-2017 09:30 G07493 GB 427 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA (>3 days)
05-26-2017 05:30 G25174 GC 627 Incident > $25K / Required Muster
04-29-2017 01:12 G22987 GC 680 Fire - Required Muster
04-28-2017 16:51 G02118 EI-338 Crane
04-26-2017 08:30 G01757 BA A105 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation - Crane
04-11-2017 07:10 G25174 GC 627 Crane
04-07-2017 15:00 G35662 GC 478 Crane
03-21-2017 10:00 G22987 GC 680 Fire - Required Muster
03-14-2017 23:30 G04139 MI 657 Fire
02-25-2017 4:30 G35153 AC 772 Incident >$25K
02-10-2017 9:00 G34986 GC 521 Incident > $25K
02-10-2017 02:23 G24194 GC 859 Injury Requiring Evacuation
02-06-2017 7:40 G34986 GC 521 Top Drive
01-27-2017 08:00 G01619 SP 93 Crane, Injury Requiring Evacuation
01-18-2017 04:00 G02646 EB 159 Other - Casing Weld Failure
01-05-2017 2:00 G01034 SS 266 Required Evacuation - Fire - Incident >$25K
Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-23-2016 15:50 00420 SS 154 Fire
12-10-2016 05:40 G31752 GC 807 Fire – Equipment Failure
11-26-2016 14:06 G21861 WR 551 Shutdown from Gas Release
11-08-2016 14:21 --------- HI A 595 Human Error
11-06-2016 10:50 G09868 MC 778 Pollution
10-17-2016 01:00 00763 WC 180 LTA (>3 days) - Human Error - Required Evacuation
10-16-2016 09:30 G15610 GC 782 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days)
09-21-2016 19:15 G02650 EB 110 -Incident >$25K- Crane
09-21-2016 08:28 00367 WD 32 -Pollution
09-11-2016 10:30 G21861 WR 551 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation
09-11-2016 08:26 G11075 GC 562 Other - Human Error
08-07-2016 22:25 G20082 GC 640 Required Evacuation - LTA (1-3 days) - Crane
08-28-2016 08:00 G02393 HI A 573 RW/JT (>3 days) - Required Evacuation
07-27-2016 05:20 G20351 WR 584 Required Evacuation - Other Lifting Device (Vital Level Hoist)
07-22-2016 17:25 G18402 GC 608 LTA (>3 days) - Fire - Required Evacuation
05-31-2016 14:45 G12808 WC 616 RW/JT (1-3 days) - Required Evacuation - Crane
05-29-2016 13:10 G12362 MP 299 H2S release through corroded piping
05-25-2016 15:00 G17565 AC 857 Pollution
05-19-2016 20:30 G20082 GC 640 Required Evacuation - RW/JT (> 3 days) - Incident > $25K
05-13-2016 17:30 G12761 WC 130 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation - Crane
05-05-2016 13:39 G17565 AC 857 Crane - Lost Time Accident
05-05-2016 09:30 G33764 MC 895 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation
05-03-2016 16:20 G01083 WD 73 Crane
05-02-2016 23:00 G33531 KC 96 Crane
04-25-2016 17:20 G08241 GB 426 Injury Requiring Evacuation
04-13-2016 03:15 G17001 WR 508 Fire - Required Muster
04-05-2016 20:20 G17408 GB 669 Required Evacuation -- RW/JT (>3 days) -- Other Lifting Device (Hand Winch)
03-20-2016 23:43 G20085 GC 654 Human Error
03-12-2016 10:06 G35137 AC 475 Fire - Incident >$25K - Required Muster
03-03-2016 18:45 G09868 MC 778 Pollution
02-29-2016 19:30 G01238 PL 23 Fire - Equipment Failure – Leak – Required Muster
02-17-2016 17:15 G14224 GB 216 Pollution
02-14-2016 02:30 G02429 HI A 351 Human Error
02-13-2016 13:25 G34025 HI 117 Fire – Equipment Failure
02-08-2016 13:15 G17565 AC 857 Required Evacuation – LTA (1-3 days)
02-06-2016 18:15 G17565 AC 857 LTA (1-3 days) - RW/JT (> 3 days)
02-05-2016 06:40 G02647 EB 160 Crane
01-30-2016 16:00 G33735 MC 471 Human Error
01-24-2016 17:00 G06280 EB 165 A Required Evacuation – RW/JT (>3 days)
01-18-2016 21:38 G02111 EI 314 RW/JT (>3 days) / Required Evacuation/ Human Error
01-15-2016 15:30 00133 GI 47 LTA (>3 days) – Required Evacuation
01-07-2016 22:45 G16759 GC 596 Crane
01-06-2016 08:10 G25804 KC 770 Other - Deck Damage 5” hole
01-02-2016 09:10 G26315 GC 512 Other (Dropped Object)
01-01-2016 03:00 G01953 WC 144 Collision >$25K - Collision - Structural Damage
Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-23-2015 11:20 G17015 WR 677 Equipment Failure
12-16-2015 18:45 - VR 261 Equipment Failure – Human Error
12-13-2015 16:37 G35137 AC 475 Fire – Required Muster
12-03-2015 04:20 G08211 EB 945 Required Evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
12-01-2015 22:00 G02647 EB 160 Human Error, Equipment Failure, Crane Boom Collapse
11-30-2015 09:15 G24130 MC 942 LTA (1-3 days) - RW/JT(>3days) - Other Injury - Required Evacuation
11-27-2015 11:15 G17001 WR 508 Equipment Failure
11-26-2015 10:25 G33388 PN 975 Fire
11-26-2015 01:31 G04464 ST 200 Required Evacuation – RW/JT (>3 days
11-17-2015 07:00 G02353 HI 110 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation- Human Error
11-12-2015 01:00 G17565 AC 857 Other Lifting Device - Incident > $25K
11-07-2015 21:00 G15607 GC 743 LTA (>3 days) / Required Evacuation/ Other Injury/ Equipment Failure/ Human Error
11-03-2015 16:40 G02647 EB 160 RW/JT (1-3 days) - Required Evacuation- Human Error
10-29-2015 17:40 G18421 GC683 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation -Crane
10-28-2015 02:55 G26693 GB 978 Required Evacuation - LTA (> 3 days)
10-24-2015 23:15 G34634 WR 160 Other Lifting Device
10-22-2015 06:00 G34634 GC 643 RW/JT (1-3days) – Other Injury – Other Lifting Device
10-16-2015 20:15 G21790 GC 338A Required Evacuation / Pollution / Equipment Failure
10-09-2015 00:15 G01619 SP 93 Fire - Required Muster
10-02-2015 20:25 G04548 MI 685 Fire
10-01-2015 12:40 G11383 HI A442 LTA (> 3 days)
09-21-2015 17:47 G09184 EB 643 Other Lifting Device
09-15-2015 05:10 G27306 MC 736 Fire – Smoke / Melted Velcro
08-31-2015 01:00 G34634 WR 160 Other Lifting Device
08-18-2015 12:45 G10977 >MC 129 LTA (1-3 days) - Other Injury - Required Evacuation
08-13-2015 00:30 G34634 WR 160 Other Lifting Device
08-08-2015 15:55 G31938 WR 51 Pollution
08-04-2015 06:45   HI 160 JA Required Evacuation / Other / Human Error
07-04-2015 11:20 G34461 MC 812 LTA (>3 days) - Other Injury - Required Evacuation
07-02-2015 04:00 G18194 MC 126 Pollution
06-29-2015 12:00 G14221 GB 172 B RW/JT (>3 days) / Required Evacuation
06-28-2015 09:55 G33109 ST 127 Required Evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
06-25-2015 21:00 G03068 MU A 111 A Fire
06-23-2015 18:00 G03068 MU A 111 A Other Injury / Required Evacuation
06-20-2015 14:05 G16647 MC 772 Pollution - Spill
06-19-2015 06:05 G11881 VR 279 Pollution
06-18-2015 15:00 00830 SS229 Incident>$25K - Crane
06-12-2015 20:00 G02698 HI A 537 B LTA (>3 days) / Required Evacuation / Crane
06-12-2015 12:30 G02423 HI A 334 A LTA (>3 days) / Required Evacuation
06-09-2015 10:15 G15607 GC 743 LTA (>3 days) / Required Evacuation
06-07-2015 08:40 00457 ST 131K Collision >$25K
06-06-2015 21:51 G34462 MC 814 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Human Error
05-27-2015 05:30 G02705 HI A 547 LTA (>3 days)/Required Evacuation
05-10-2015 04:30 G02705 HI A 547 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3days) / Human Error
05-09-2015 17:30 G06280 EB 165 A Shutdown from Gas Release / Fire / Incident >$25K /Required Muster
04-20-2015 12:30 G13808 HI A 379 B Fire / Incident >$25K (#2 Diesel Generator) / Equipment Failure
04-08-2015 22:52 G35001 GC 643 Incident >$25K
04-06-2015 06:30 G00985 EI 259 C Other Injury / Failed to report to Lessee / Human Error
04-01-2015 13:30 G30926 KC 147 Pollution
03-26-2015 0900 G17001 WR 508 Incident >$25K - Item Lost Overboard
03-23-2015 05:05 G32460 GB 958 Pollution
03-21-2015 15:00 G14205 EB 602 A Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Human Error
03-16-2015 16:30 G02719 HI A 582 Explosion / Structural Damage / Equipment Failure
03-11-2015 09:00 G13079 EW 910A Drilling / Equipment Failure
03-06-2015 16:15 G27306 MC 736 A Incident >$25K - Mechanical Lifting
02-21-2015 04:00 G06655 EC 346 A Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error
02-16-2015 12:40 G16661 MC 941A Pollution / Production / Equipment Failure
02-14-2015 23:30 G16997 WR 469 Dropped Object / Equipment Failure
02-13-2015 11:15 G24101 MC 726 Pollution
02-02-2015 02:30 G01665 MP 288 A Fire
01-25-2015 01:00 G16765 GC 610 Dropped Object / Equipment Failure
01-23-2015 04:30 G01443 ST 27 Fire / Collision > $25,000 / Structural Damage / Incident > $25,000
01-22-2015 23:15 G09868 MC 778 RW/JT (>3 days) / Required Evacuation
01-22-2015 14:54 G14159 HI 154 B Structural Damage / Ship Collision / Human Error / Weather Related
01-18-2015 21:40 G16765 GC 610 Dropped Object / Equipment Failure / Weather Related
01-13-2015 14:55 G27896 SM 234 Required Evacuation -1 / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error
01-10-2015 11:00 G14205 EB 602 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) /Human Error
01-09-2015 10:00 G28351 MC 21 Incident >$25K / Crane
01-08-2015 20:40 G15607 GC 743 Required Evacuation / LTA (> 3 days) / Human Error
Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-30-2014 20:30 G33409 HI 131 Required Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days) / LTA (>3 days) / Human Error
12-12-2014 09:00 00830 SS 229 A Required Evacuation / Other Lifting Device / Equipment Failure / Human Error
12-11-2014 08:13 G17001 WR 508 Pollution / Human Error
12-05-2014 07:30 G01187 SM 27 Pollution / Pipeline Leak
11-24-2014 09:50 G05000 MI 622 Required Evacuation / LTA (> 3 days) / Human Error
11-18-2014 11:00 G11455 G11455 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Human Error
11-13-2014 19:30 G33608 VR 342 Pollution / Chemical Release / Human Error
11-05-2014 10:15 00060 SS 72 Fire / Equipment Failure
11-02-2014 15:35 G24194 GC 859 Required Evacuation / Other Injury / Human Error / Weather Related
10-27-2014 02:10 G33379 WR 578 Well Control Event (Shut In)
10-25-2014 1900 G02061 EC 321 A Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) /Completion Fluid U-tubed
10-24-2014 14:55 G14342 WC 544 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Equipment Failure
10-23-2014 11:00 G01039 SS 274 C Diverter / Required Muster / Gas Migration During Cementing
10-21-2014 18:05 G07957 MC 762 Drilling / Human Error / Required Evacuation / LTA (>3days)
10-20-2014 10:00 G01619 SP 93A Fire / Equipment Failure
10-16-2014 22:50 G15563 GC 237 Pollution / Equipment Failure
10-14-2014 01:05 G27698 KC 10 Other Lifting Device/Manriding Basket/Incident > $25K/Billy Pugh Derrick Basket/Human Error
10-13-2015 13:35 G21444 KC875 LTA (>3 days) - Other Injury - Required Evacuation
10-06-2014 20:45 G03068 MU A 111 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3days) / Human Error
10-01-2014 17:00 G19797 EI 355 A Structural Damage / Incident > $25,000 / Equipment Damage
09-25-2014 13:50 G01026 SS 241 Required Evacuation / Other Injury / Equipment Failure
09-24-2014 06:00 G16698 GC 155 Pollution / Inadvertent Discharge of SBM / Equipment Failure / Human Error
09-19-2014 12:00 G14205 EB 602 RW/JT (1-3 days) / Required Evacuation-1
09-17-2014 22:30 G06693 SM 147 A Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Weather Related
09-13-2014 0900 00796 EI 100 Required Evacuation / LTA (> 3 days)
08-30-2014 20:20 G25814 KC 829 Pollution / Equipment Failure / Overboard Drilling Fluid
08-17-2014 08:30 G27259 MC 79 Incident > $25K / Damage to the Lower Annular / Human Error
08-14-2014 20:20 G25854 DC 398 Incident >$25K / Human Error
08-07-2014 1540 G01610 SP 65A Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days)
Overhead Hoist / Human Error
08-07-2014 05:25 G33757 MC 782 Incident >$25K / Human Error
08-06-2014 02:00 G02433 HI A 368A Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error
07-31-2014 18:30 G03068 MU A 111A Other Injury-1 / Required Evacuation-1
07-31-2014 12:30 G02697 HI A 536 C Required Evacuation / RW/JT (> 3 days) / Human Error
07-30-2014 20:30 00367 WD 32 Crane / Human Error
07-30-2014 16:20 G17858 EC 172 Required Evacuation / Other Injury / Equipment Failure / Human Error
07-18-2014 11:40 G15563 GC 237 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error / Weather Related
07-08-2014 20:35 G27698 KC 10 Required Evacuation/Other Injury/Medical Evaluation/ Human Error
07-07-2014 19:40 G09866 MC 776 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days)
07-04-2014 14:00 G04537 MU A 31B Voluntary Evacuation for Safety / Construction/ Equipment Failure
06-23-2014 10:30 G10638 EC 328 B Required Evacuation / Pollution / Human Error
06-22-2014 08:45 G02282 SM 132 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3days) / Hip Injury
06-17-2014 22:30 G02061 EC 321 Required Evacuation
06-13-2014 18:30 G11881 VR 279 Required Evacuation /LTA(>3days) /Fire / Human Error
06-09-2014 16:35 G15565 GC 248 Other Lifting Device / Drawworks System / Equipment Failure / Human Error
06-08-2014 10:30 G02579 VR 379 A Required Evacuation / Neck and Shoulder Injuries
06-06-2014 10:25 G02696 HI A 531 Required Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days) / Finger Injury
06-05-2014 14:00 G00989 EI 276 Required Evacuation / Rib Injury
05-23-2014 23:00 G31613 GB 213 Pollution / Human Error / Overboard Drilling Fluid
05-17-2014 08:30 G32224 ST 285 LTA (>3 days) / RW/JT (1-3 days) / Human Error
05-08-2014 02:00 G18402 GC 608 Fire / Human Error
05-07-2014 19:30 G05868 MC 809 Required Evacuation / RW/JT(1-3 days) / Human Error
05-02-2014 01:18 G22898 MC 725 Pollution / Human Error
04-18-2014 19:00 G02274 VR 369 A Fire / Equipment Failure
04-09-2014 20:30 G13091 EW 1003 A Required Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days) / Human Error
03-25-2014 22:00 00367 WD 32 Fire / Crane / Equipment Failure
03-25-2014 06:10 G27277 MC 503 Pollution / Equipment Failure
03-24-2014 16:30 G02721 HI A 595 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error
03-01-2014 22:15 G00796 EI 100 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days)
02-25-2014 15:00 G02587 SM 128 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days)
02-22-2014 16:30 G10380 AC 25 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Thumb Injury / Human Error
02-21-2014 21:10 G31474 MC 26 Required Evacuation / LTA (> 3 days) / Human Error
02-19-2014 21:40 G08241 GB 426 Required Evacuation/LTA (>3 days)
02-14-2014 14:45 G00577 EI 208 J RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error / Other
02-12-2014 19:10 G13997 MC 29 Pollution
02-11-2014 19:45 G17565 AC 857 Pollution / Human Error
02-06-2014 19:00 G02665 BA A 133/td> Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Bicep Injury
01-05-2014 17:45 G02646 EB 159 A Fire / Generator
01-03-2014 05:15 G13808 HI A 379 B Fire / Generator
01-02-2014 02:17 G15546 GC 113 Structural Damage / Incident >$25K / Equipment Failure / Human Error

20182017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 - 2003 Archive