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Permit for Floodplain Development

The purpose of this page is to define a permit for floodplain management, a commonly used term in floodplain management.


A permit is required before construction or development begins within any Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). If FEMA has not defined the SFHA within a community, the community shall require permits for all proposed construction or other development in the community including the placement of manufactured homes, so that it may determine whether such construction or other development is proposed within flood-prone areas. Permits are required to ensure that proposed development projects meet the requirements of the NFIP and the community's floodplain management ordinance.

A community must also review all proposed developments to assure that all necessary permits have been received from those governmental agencies from which approval is required by Federal or State law.

NFIP Requirement

Other Applicable NFIP Regulations


Related Keywords

Special Topic Resources

    • Administrative Procedures  (7-56)
    • Application Review (7-23 to 7-28)
    • Inspections (7-36 to 7-39)
    • Permits from Other Agencies (5-19)
    • Sample Floodplain Development Permit Application F (7-30 to 7-33)
    • Sample Floodplain Development Permit  (7-34)
    • Sample Permit Review Checklist  (7-29)
Last Updated: 
09/14/2018 - 10:53