What We Do

Region 8 fulfills ACF’s greater mission of improving the economic and social well-being of families, individuals and communities through our work with states, tribes, non-profit organizations, and community and faith-based service providers.

Region 8 administration staff:

  • Develop of  regional work plans, in coordination with Central Office Program Directors, related to the overall ACF strategic plans, and tracks, monitors, and reports on regional progress in the attainment of ACF national goals and objectives
  • Coordinate of routine budget, administrative, and human resource functions, including Executive Secretariat, ACF controlled space, computer and computer peripheral equipment, and health and safety for the ORA
  • Coordinate of ACF programs during emergencies in the regions, including natural disasters, pandemic flu, or other disasters
  • Serve as ACF's focal point for business continuity planning, implementation, and coordination
  • Coordinate regional ACF deployments of human services assessments and action teams during State and/or Federally declared emergencies and disasters
  • Coordinate of resources for regional special emphasis activities with the HHS Regional Director's office
Last Reviewed: November 16, 2016

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