Training Resources

Our resource sheets offer strategies to help you navigate your career path from your first traineeship to a career position

  • NIAID Training Programs
    NIAID offers both laboratory and clinical research training programs for students and postdoctoral fellows. Learn more about these programs and see which one is best suited to you.
  • Preparing for the Successful Interview
    Being prepared can make the difference between an interview that is average and one that leads to success. Find out what you need to do to adequately prepare for your next position interview.
  • Questions to Ask the Potential Mentor
    The more you learn about a potential mentor, the more informed your decision will be. See what questions you should ask a potential mentor as you consider your selection.
  • Trainee Skills
    Getting the most of a mentor-mentee relationship requires effort. See what skills you can develop to get the most of your mentor.
  • What Is the Informational Interview?
    Information gathering interviews can help illuminate the career path ahead for you. Find out what questions to ask during the interview and how to make the most of it.
Content last reviewed on August 11, 2015