IRS Online Instructions for Forms

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Instructions for Form 56 (11/2017) i56.pdf Instructions for Form 56 (11/2017)
Instructions for Form 706 (11/2018) i706.pdf Instructions for Form 706 (11/2018)
Instructions for Form 706-A (09/2016) i706a.pdf Instructions for Form 706-A (09/2016)
Instructions for Form 706-D (12/2008) i706d.pdf Instructions for Form 706-D (12/2008)
Instructions for Form 706-GS(D) (09/2016) i706gsd.pdf Instructions for Form 706-GS(D) (09/2016)
Instructions for Form 706-GS(D-1) (11/2017) i706gsd1.pdf Instructions for Form 706-GS(D-1) (11/2017)
Instructions for Form 706-GS(T) (11/2018) i706gst.pdf Instructions for Form 706-GS(T) (11/2018)
Instructions for Form 706-NA (09/2016) i706na.pdf Instructions for Form 706-NA (09/2016)
Instructions for  Form 706-QDT (08/2014) i706qdt.pdf Instructions for  Form 706-QDT (08/2014)
Instructions for Form 709 (2018) i709.pdf Instructions for Form 709 (2018)
Instructions for Form 720 (04/2018) i720.pdf Instructions for Form 720 (04/2018)
Instructions for Form 720-CS (07/2017) i720cs.pdf Instructions for Form 720-CS (07/2017)
Instructions for Form 720-TO (07/2017) i720to.pdf Instructions for Form 720-TO (07/2017)
Instructions for Form 843 (12/2013) i843.pdf Instructions for Form 843 (12/2013)
Instructions for Form 926 (11/2018) i926.pdf Instructions for Form 926 (11/2018)
Instructions for Form 940 (2018) i940.pdf Instructions for Form 940 (2018)
Instrucciones para el  Formulario 940-PR (2018) i940pr.pdf Instrucciones para el  Formulario 940-PR (2018)
Instructions for Form 941 (01/2018) i941.pdf Instructions for Form 941 (01/2018)
Instrucciones para  el Formulario 941-PR (01/2018) i941pr.pdf Instrucciones para  el Formulario 941-PR (01/2018)
Instrucciones para el  Anexo B (Formulario 941-PR) (01/2017) i941prb.pdf Instrucciones para el  Anexo B (Formulario 941-PR) (01/2017)
Instructions for Schedule B (Form 941) (01/2017) i941sb.pdf Instructions for Schedule B (Form 941) (01/2017)
Instructions for Schedule D (Form 941) (06/2011) i941sd.pdf Instructions for Schedule D (Form 941) (06/2011)
Instructions for Form 941-SS (01/2018) i941ss.pdf Instructions for Form 941-SS (01/2018)
Instructions for Form 941-X (04/2017) i941x.pdf Instructions for Form 941-X (04/2017)
Instrucciones para  el Formulario 941-X (PR) (04/2015) i941xpr.pdf Instrucciones para  el Formulario 941-X (PR) (04/2015)
Instructions for Form 943 (2018) i943.pdf Instructions for Form 943 (2018)
Instrucciones para el Formulario 943-PR (2018) i943pr.pdf Instrucciones para el Formulario 943-PR (2018)
Instructions for Form 943-X (02/2018) i943x.pdf Instructions for Form 943-X (02/2018)
Instrucciones para el Formulario 943-X (PR) (02/2018) i943xpr.pdf Instrucciones para el Formulario 943-X (PR) (02/2018)
Instructions for Form 944 (2018) i944.pdf Instructions for Form 944 (2018)
Instrucciones para el Formulario 944-PR (2011) i944pr.pdf Instrucciones para el Formulario 944-PR (2011)
Instrucciones para el  Formulario 944(SP) (2018) i944sp.pdf Instrucciones para el  Formulario 944(SP) (2018)
 Instructions for  Form 944-SS (2011) i944ss.pdf  Instructions for  Form 944-SS (2011)
Instructions for Form 944-X (02/2018) i944x.pdf Instructions for Form 944-X (02/2018)
Instrucciones para el Formulario 944-X (PR) (02/2012) i944xpr.pdf Instrucciones para el Formulario 944-X (PR) (02/2012)
Instrucciones para  el Formulario 944-X (SP) (02/2018) i944xsp.pdf Instrucciones para  el Formulario 944-X (SP) (02/2018)
Instructions for Form 945 (2017) i945.pdf Instructions for Form 945 (2017)
Instructions for Form 945-X (02/2014) i945x.pdf Instructions for Form 945-X (02/2014)
Instructions for Form 982 (03/2018) i982.pdf Instructions for Form 982 (03/2018)
Instructions for Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (2017) i990.pdf Instructions for Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (2017)
Instructions for  Form 990-BL (09/2017) i990bl.pdf Instructions for  Form 990-BL (09/2017)
Instructions for Form 990-EZ (2018) i990ez.pdf Instructions for Form 990-EZ (2018)
Instructions for Form 990-PF (2018) i990pf.pdf Instructions for Form 990-PF (2018)
Instructions for Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2018) i990sa.pdf Instructions for Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2018)
Instructions for Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2017) i990sc.pdf Instructions for Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2017)
Instructions for Schedule D (Form 990) (2018) i990sd.pdf Instructions for Schedule D (Form 990) (2018)
Instructions for Schedule F (Form 990) (2018) i990sf.pdf Instructions for Schedule F (Form 990) (2018)
Instructions for Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2018) i990sg.pdf Instructions for Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2018)
Instructions for Schedule H (Form 990) (2018) i990sh.pdf Instructions for Schedule H (Form 990) (2018)
Instructions for Schedule J (Form 990) (2018) i990sj.pdf Instructions for Schedule J (Form 990) (2018)