Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Audio Conferencing


Audio Conference Section Picture of a teleconference VOIP Phone






Service Description

CTS provides equipment specifications, acquisitions, and management of vendor provided services (such as those available through the General Services Administration Networx contract vehicle) not covered under UCaaS.

What is included

Voice Teleconferencing Service

Audio conferencing numbers are setup and provided to individual customers by CTS at the customer’s request; providing access to government-rate telephone conference calling services from non-Government carriers. Customers may access calls either via toll-free or toll, long distance service. Numbers may include a web conferencing option, providing desktop-based presentation capability.

How We Charge

Audio Conferencing Pricing

Product/Service Offering UNIT of Measure Description

Audio Conferencing

Measured by the number of audio conferencing minutes

Charges are based on the audio conferencing minutes used.

Service Level Metrics

Audio Conferencing Performance Measures

Performance Performance Measure Performance Target
Voice Conferencing Number Ordering Time

Less than or equal to 45 business days

Order Date – Ticket Request Date



Measurement Tool - CTS Remedy