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The purpose of this page is to define a foundation, a commonly used term in floodplain management.


Without a proper foundation, an elevated building can suffer damage from a flood due to erosion, scour, or settling. The Nationalf Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations provide performance standards for anchoring new buildings and foundation and fill placement standards for buildings, for manufactured homes, and in V Zones. However, the NFIP performance standards do not specify how a building''s foundations are to be constructed in A Zones. The national model building codes address building foundations and the proper placement, compaction, and protection of fill.

The use of fill is prohibited for structural support of buildings in V Zones. Pile or column foundations must be used.

NFIP Requirement

    • (a) (3) (ii) - General Anchoring Requirement
    • (c) (6) (iv) - Manufactured Home Foundations
    • (c) (12) (ii) -Manufactured Homes in an existing park or subdivision;
    • (e)(4) (ii) - V Zone Foundation Requirement
    • (e) (5) (ii) - V Zone Free of Obtruction Requirement
    • (e) (6) - V Zone Fill for Structural Support


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Last Updated: 
03/27/2018 - 09:51